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  1. SadBoy

    Congrats mate!

    Congrats mate!
  2. SadBoy

    Police Suggestion Being able to edit ORs

    I agree it should be clear if it has been edited. As Valentine said, if its only available to supervisors/command then really there should be no concers about any being tampered with to deceive. Alternatively, we could enact policy to ensure the edits are approved by a member of command before...
  3. SadBoy

    Server Suggestion Override courier deliveries for collection.

    I feel your frustration completely, but I don't think this would be the best way to fix it. The obvious argument would be that if you can't risk potentially waiting a while (30 minutes is ridiculous admittedly) you can drive and purchase what you need directly yourself. That being said I do...
  4. SadBoy

    Police Suggestion TFU deployment function for Police computer / dispatch

    +1 great idea. Anything to help make creating incidents quicker and clearer will always get my vote haha. I never understood why dispatchers can't create quick incidents on the map like cops are able to from their police computer. Having to type the majority out is near impossible if it's a busy...
  5. SadBoy

    Dispatcher Enjoyability

    I really enjoy dispatcher but it definitely is a fight to be in control sometimes. I think there's been a lot of debate regarding how it can be improved to be a better experience for officers and the dispatcher. But it's a complicated balancing act between giving them too much or too little...
  6. SadBoy

    Action Request (SadBoy)

    Hello, I didn't see that he had a gun drawn from my pov, I heard footsteps and caught someone out the corner of my eye, I drew my weapon out of instinct. They also did not tell me to put my hands up until much later on, If they'd done so earlier I wouldn't have drawn my weapon. You can also see...
  7. SadBoy

    Model Suggestion Police Long Sleeves

    I'm all for more PD customisation, as long as it doesn't make things too difficult to differentiate. Cops should be easily recognisable at all times.
  8. SadBoy


    Always found Rado to be a really positive member of the community, top man! (plz keep being a cop main, don't listen to the crim naysayers)
  9. SadBoy

    Police Suggestion Dispatch Progression

    I'm not sure I understand why it would be detrimental to dispatchers who are good and active. Fair enough I agree that they shouldn't have more responsibilities (such as being able to set warrants at a certain rank) but having a pay increase/different title I'd only see as a positive way of...
  10. SadBoy

    Police Suggestion Dispatch Progression

    Yeah I did reach out to ask if it'd be an option for implementation and was told it's unlikely but to make a suggestion and see. And yeah fair point regarding the risk of abuse, but I don't see the harm in perhaps awarding pay increases for ranks? I'm also unsure why everyone is saying it would...
  11. SadBoy

    Police Suggestion Dispatch Progression

    There is, but not in the same sense as other roles. For most people they achieve Dispatcher and then that's it and there isn't really any other incentive for them to go on duty unless they really enjoy the role. Probationary dispatcher isn't a role currently as it was changed recently so that a...
  12. SadBoy

    Police Suggestion Dispatch Progression

    Suggestion Title: Dispatch Progression Suggestion Description: Implement a XP and rank progression system similar to that of other government jobs for Dispatch. Why should this be added?: - The option to progress and gain higher pay/responsibility will promote people to be more active in the...
  13. SadBoy


    Have one of mi mug, no ragrets
  14. SadBoy

    Goodbye / giveaway

    I hope you enjoy whatever you move onto next! :) Liam Wainwright