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  1. Mage

    How active is the PD? Do we need it being as big as it is?

    I must say, either our definitions of enjoyable don't match up or we're not playing the same gamemode. You act as if this PD system is perfect and that everything is fair. The truth is, it isn't. I'm not out here to expose the PD like some Illuminati conspiracy, but it's plain obvious that...
  2. Mage

    How active is the PD? Do we need it being as big as it is?

    2 things PD handpicking TFU members to decide who is TFU and who isn't because they only want good people is okay but as soon as organizations do this its classed as "elitism" and not fair. big XD. Second, my dear friend @JER clearly showed a major flaw in the PD, once a man on a mission to...
  3. Mage

    "Storm area 51, they can't stop us all!"

    fortnite players dropping right into the center