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  1. 2766


  2. 2766

    Happy Birthday, nice gamemode and server

    Happy Birthday, nice gamemode and server
  3. 2766


    Recent picture of me enjoying a cigarette at the end of a long day
  4. 2766

    why are Police struggling to make 3-7k a hour?

    What do you think a reasonable hourly salary is then?
  5. 2766

    why are Police struggling to make 3-7k a hour?

    I don't think 7k is that bad? Literally just get the money no matter what you do pretty much. No risk at all. You'll get confiscations too, that plus salary should amount to an average of more than 7k/h
  6. 2766

    Model Suggestion Identity concealment

    Pretty sure this has been suggested a couple times, don't know why you are being downvoted. Another idea would be to add a wardrobe function allowing players to swap between clothes that they have bought from Jennifers.
  7. 2766

    Server Suggestion Door raid timer on new players

    Most people I've raided with that isn't a sweater themself leave drugs for new players anyway.
  8. 2766

    Model Suggestion 2 Layer Clothing

    Mods, start making this please....
  9. 2766

    Shootouts and general gameplay on the server

    I disagree that helping your friends who are warranted and in risk of getting a long prison sentence should be 3.4. To me it doesn't make sense roleplay wise.
  10. 2766

    Shootouts and general gameplay on the server

    Yes you are right, what I meant was that if everyone went by the rules you get a new life when you respawn so everyone should be able to respond. Saying it is not realistic wasn't what I was trying to say. I meant that I do not think that feature is added in the sole purpose of realism rather...
  11. 2766

    Shootouts and general gameplay on the server

    Why on earth would someone who has hid for 15 minutes hand themself in? Makes way less sense the the warrant being removed. I also said that in context of arguing that losing the warrant makes more sense than handing yourself in. Don't strawman please
  12. 2766

    Shootouts and general gameplay on the server

    I agree, it's not realistic at all. Many things are unrealistic on the server though to make way for balance which is way more important IMO. One of those things, for example, is cops being able to go back to a shootout they died in while civs cannot. This is not realistic at all but it is a...
  13. 2766

    Shootouts and general gameplay on the server

    Why should you hand yourself in when you managed to hide for 15 minutes? If anything doesn't it make more sense to incentivize hiding by perhaps removing a warrant if a criminal has been hidden for lets say 30minutes?
  14. 2766

    Shootouts and general gameplay on the server

    Do you see anyone ever sitting in the forest for an hour and a half to hide from PD? I don't think it is reasonable to ask people to hide for that long. The map is tiny, hiding in the forest will only delay being caught in the end. I understand the frustration of the PD being shot and...
  15. 2766

    Shootouts and general gameplay on the server

    When you say ”Go hide in the forest” what do you mean in practice? For 5minutes, 10minutes? If not time constrained, until what? You die of hunger?
  16. 2766

    Costume Thread - Halloween 2021

    Looking dapper as usual good sir!
  17. 2766

    All the Mods 6

    dude... Metagaming is not a joke! It will absolutely not be tolerated!
  18. 2766

    All the Mods 6

    nvm i fixed :D
  19. 2766

    All the Mods 6

    PVP Enabled????
  20. 2766

    Recommendation for A1L

    A1L, Friendly, Fair, ACtive staff. top staff i like his senior moderation a lot
  21. 2766

    Please stop reacting to my posts, I will file a report on you for harassing me

    Please stop reacting to my posts, I will file a report on you for harassing me
  22. 2766


  23. 2766

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday
  24. 2766


  25. 2766

    [MEDIA] Tune playing in projex 3 as I light up an absolutely mischevious scottish zoot stolen...

    Tune playing in projex 3 as I light up an absolutely mischevious scottish zoot stolen off Matt Douglas
  26. 2766

    When will the third most powerful man on PERP make a comeback?? @Max

    When will the third most powerful man on PERP make a comeback?? @Max
  27. 2766

    congratulations on your birthday

    congratulations on your birthday
  28. 2766

    City hall fortress

    yes! also mayor L85 new ,meta
  29. 2766

    rest in peace xx omar smith

    rest in peace xx omar smith