Search results

  1. Franko

    Ban Apology (Pug)

    First of all, this is an apology, if you wish to dispute the validity of the ban, make a ban dispute, and lastly, I spectated you when you walked up to a dead person at the water feature of bazaar where you once again used a racial slur, hence that the ban says multiple counts of racism.
  2. Franko

    Refund Request (Dead_Smoke)

    22.000$ will be returned to you. Reviewed with @Dave
  3. Franko

    Ban Apology (Franko)

    You will be unbanned early.
  4. Franko

    Ban Apology (Franko)

    As much as I would like to accept your apology, you didn't put much effort into it, and I wrote to you in looc upon your first death @ intersection, and then once again the second time. Regardless you still broke the rules and your ban is justifiable. If you'd like to reappeal, wait a day or two...
  5. Franko

    Ban Apology (Super_)

    Your ban length is more than reasonable seeing as the amount of rules you broke and the fact that you repeatedly broke most as well.
  6. Franko

    Ban Apology (Franko)

    You were warned less than 1 hour prior for breaking the same rule, where I explained what you did wrong, and you promised you wouldn’t make the same mistake, just as you did in this apology. Wait out your ban.
  7. Franko

    Ban Apology (Franko)

    You will be unbanned early.
  8. Franko

    Ban Apology (rxsm)

    If you want to dispute the legitimacy, make a dispute. If you want to make an apology, actually apologize.
  9. Franko

    Refund Request (Dehmon)

    Item to be returned: 1x SW Model 500 (Loaded) Reviewed by @rxmeo , @Collier and me.
  10. Franko

    Refund Request (Quang)

    Items to be returned: Desert Eagle, Loaded Magazine, Suppressor, Microdot sight. Reviewed by @rxmeo and me.
  11. Franko

    Ban Apology (Franko)

  12. Franko

    Good day

    Oh no, Ethaniel Worm has figured out how to use the forums, this is not positive guys…
  13. Franko

    Action Request (Jebediah Springfield)

    @Bnje ^^
  14. Franko

    Haris being a goat

    Say less my G
  15. Franko

    Haris being a goat

    30 minutes after writing "the better half of a week", I realized it had in deed only been 48 hours, but let's pretend like I was right
  16. Franko

    Haris being a goat

    Not a single penny, although I wish he did, my bank is not looking scrumptious atm.
  17. Franko

    Haris being a goat

    Can we all agree on the fact that @Haris is doing a splendid job as an Enforcer? Even though he’s only been an enforcer for the better half of a week now, it feels like he’s almost outperforming a lot of the more experienced moderators (hot take). With this said, keep up the good work and you’ll...
  18. Franko

    Refund Request (Franko)

    Your Steam Name: Franko Your Roleplay Name: Franko Jomar-Bobbison Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:123987305 Reason for Request: My car was stolen and the guy who stole it tiered it, leading to punishments. Requested Items: T1 McLaren P1 (29,6k) Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff...
  19. Franko

    Congrats on mod you dirty bastard!

    Congrats on mod you dirty bastard!
  20. Franko

    Action Request (Jebediah Springfield)

    Your Steam Name: Franko Your Roleplay Name: Franko Jomar-Bobbison Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:123987305 Player's Steam Name: Jebediah Springfield Player's Roleplay Name: Jebediah Springfield Player's SteamID: STEAM_1:0:441400104 Why should this player be punished?: They broke 3.4, by refusing to...
  21. Franko

    Mr. Bones Wild Ride & Giveaway

  22. Franko

    ASDA response!

    Literally man, safest roleplay
  23. Franko

    Perpheads 10 Year Anniversary

    This has most likely been reported more than a handful times at this point, but the new buddy system doesn’t work as intended. Old buddies you can still change the permissions on, on the F4 page but new buddies don’t get any perms, no matter if you actually give them all or just a specific one...
  24. Franko

    Real rustchads don't call themselves rustchads...

    Real rustchads don't call themselves rustchads...
  25. Franko

    Hello, I am here for the discount on scars.

    Hello, I am here for the discount on scars.
  26. Franko

    Community Spotlight - April 2023

    W Jysk shop moment
  27. Franko

    Resigning from powergrowing

    Couldn't have said it any better myself man
  28. Franko

    Community Spotlight - March 2023

    This (fortunately enough) is a common experience for customers visiting our store, so I hope to see you again!
  29. Franko

    Refund Request (Franko Balianco)

    Your Steam Name: Franko Balianco Your Roleplay Name: Franko Balianco Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:123987305 Reason for Request: I attempted a raid in Regals 1, and all the occupants (4 or 5 people) were banned for metagaming after I reported them. Requested Items: 1x Glock 17 with a magazine...
  30. Franko

    Community Spotlight - March 2023

    SHOP AT JYSK! - Scandinavian Sleeping and Living!