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  1. Tyla Jai

    there’s rumour you’ll come back this year

    there’s rumour you’ll come back this year
  2. Tyla Jai

    Permanent Ban for 'Cheating' - A Frustrating and Unresolved Situation

    trust me bro these posts dont work, been there done that too
  3. Tyla Jai

    Community Spotlight - December 2024

    better late than never
  4. Tyla Jai

    Community Spotlight - December 2024

    Player Showcase Recognising Players for Roleplay, Creativity or Helpfulness Welcome to the Community Spotlight. The player showcase portion of the Community Spotlight is designed to showcase players, staff and developers have made our community great this month. Any players featured have been...
  5. Tyla Jai

    caught red handed checking perp forums

    caught red handed checking perp forums
  6. Tyla Jai


    My favourite christmas present this year is my beautiful org members xoxoxoxoxo
  7. Tyla Jai

    Perpheads fails video

    good video man
  8. Tyla Jai

    Vault Corporation - A Christmas Special

    We try to focus on recruiting people that don’t care about yield, we prefer taking on crafting or raiding focused people or people that like to chill in base more for fun with a strength in numbers mindset
  9. Tyla Jai

    Vault Corporation

    Check out the christmas music video!
  10. Tyla Jai

    Bon Voyage!

    only seeing this now, alright geez see you when V6 comes out
  11. Tyla Jai

    New reggae radio station

    The best radio station boomstation reggae seems to have ceased to exist, please help me by finding a decent radio sound file link for boomstation reggae so I can suggest it as an alternative
  12. Tyla Jai

    What is your New Year resolution for 2025?

    he isnt even joking hahahhahahahahaha
  13. Tyla Jai

    My new years resolution is to progress in vaultcorp

    My new years resolution is to progress in vaultcorp
  14. Tyla Jai

    What is your New Year resolution for 2025?

  15. Tyla Jai

    What is your New Year resolution for 2025?

    I'm rocking 1080p lad, full hd yea
  16. Tyla Jai

    Go watch!

    the fucking keygen music lol
  17. Tyla Jai

    PERPHeads Community Awards 2024 - Results!

    Awards Introduction A personal introduction to the Community Awards Welcome to the PERPHeads Community Awards 2024 Results! As per the announcement post, I am pleased to be hosting our eleventh annual community awards and again this year we have given you the same thirty different categories...
  18. Tyla Jai

    Ban Apology (Tyla Jai)

  19. Tyla Jai

    Model Suggestion DNA Gun changes

    im pretty sure they are for diabetes
  20. Tyla Jai

    How long was your longest ban

  21. Tyla Jai

    Ban Apology (Tyla Jai)

    If you send over a copy of your report to discord this would help, I would ask this is done in a PM so that your private information isn't visible on this appeal. If you can provide this I will delete the ban clean from your record :)
  22. Tyla Jai

    yo perpheads category in gmod servers?? v6 leaked??

    Or a renamed paralake v5 lmao
  23. Tyla Jai

    yo perpheads category in gmod servers?? v6 leaked??

    It could easily be one of our developer only servers for testing etc
  24. Tyla Jai

    South Carolina exotic animals ban.

    Absolute classic benji shitpost
  25. Tyla Jai

    [ATTACH] hope you come back one day

    hope you come back one day
  26. Tyla Jai

    PERPHeads Community Awards 2024 - Vote

    Awards Introduction A personal introduction to the Community Awards Welcome to the PERPHeads Community Awards of 2024! I am pleased to be hosting the awards for another year and will be continuing the past trend of having thirty award categories so that there are plenty of opportunities for...
  27. Tyla Jai

    Vault Corporation

    Your mums got her mouth full at the minute so wanted me to let you know she'll confiscate your phone if she sees you speaking like that online again
  28. Tyla Jai

    Rule Changes - 15/11/2024

    The software you're using needs to be solely for crosshairs, if it's a cheating software but has all options disabled except crosshair then we will still ban you