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  1. Tyla Jai

    Share your best Crosshairs here

    we are reformed players
  2. Tyla Jai

    Rule Changes - 15/11/2024

    Good first use of my crosshair
  3. Tyla Jai

    Rule Changes - 15/11/2024

    Hello, We have discussed at a community management level regarding our stance on crosshairs at length and it has been decided that we will update our rules to reflect community wishes and hardware changes. You may be aware that modern computer monitors offer the ability to change your...
  4. Tyla Jai

    Is my computer fucked?

    Also low key this thread is like that one scene from dropped my esp
  5. Tyla Jai

    Is my computer fucked?

    Gaming laptops eventually just die and there is nothing you can do due to how much of a pain it is to replace components, I used to be a die hard gaming laptop enjoyer that refused to get a PC but after 3-4 laptops I eventually switched to an actual PC and never had the issue again
  6. Tyla Jai

    Warning Dispute (Tyla)

    I spoke with some people that know this stuff better than me and I will delete it cheers I have also dealt with the original officer
  7. Tyla Jai

    Vault Corporation

    We have posted our documentary, check it out here
  8. Tyla Jai

    Vault Corporation | A Tyla Jai Documentary

    In the style of the old dropped my esp documentary, a short documentary has been prepared showcasing the development of our organisation, enjoy!
  9. Tyla Jai

    Ban Apology (Admin meeting)

  10. Tyla Jai

    Vault Corporation

    Dear all, I am pleased to announce a major update to our market system, we have been referring to it as 'Market 4' being the fourth generation of our online marketplace. The new system has higher performance, additional features and an improved design. Let's take a look at the new market in...
  11. Tyla Jai

    Community Spotlight - September 2024

    Yes as opposed to ones that disappear on reconnect
  12. Tyla Jai

    Community Spotlight - September 2024

    I think I fixed it
  13. Tyla Jai

    Community Spotlight - September 2024

    I'm afraid not, but it's coming along nicely trust me
  14. Tyla Jai

    Community Spotlight - September 2024

    Player Showcase Recognising Players for Roleplay, Creativity or Helpfulness Welcome to the Community Spotlight. The player showcase portion of the Community Spotlight is designed to showcase players, staff and developers have made our community great this month. Any players featured have been...
  15. Tyla Jai

    just realised they are full of metagaming

    just realised they are full of metagaming
  16. Tyla Jai

    thank u

    thank u
  17. Tyla Jai

    This playlist has all of them [MEDIA]

    This playlist has all of them
  18. Tyla Jai

    too shy

    too shy
  19. Tyla Jai

    @Efan I am forever reminded [IMG]

    @Efan I am forever reminded
  20. Tyla Jai

    How was PERPHeads like on EvoCity?

    Hope this helps, I was 14..
  21. Tyla Jai

    Vault Corporation

    I am pleased to announce we are officially full, we have filled all 25 ingame slots and 12 external contractor slots. We are at our highest ever member count and would like to thank all members and customers that have made this possible. If you wanted to join, periodically check our members...
  22. Tyla Jai

    Organisation Leaderboard Reset

    Hi all, This is just to alert you that we will be effectively starting a new season on the organisation leaderboard shortly. This means that your leaderboard points within all categories will be reset to zero. You will maintain your experience and levels but your position on the board will...
  23. Tyla Jai

    I’ll just go fuck myself shall I? Curaks yearly shit on activity has occurred

    I’ll just go fuck myself shall I? Curaks yearly shit on activity has occurred
  24. Tyla Jai

    I’m even more away

    I’m even more away
  25. Tyla Jai

    I am away until 15th September please contact rogue in this time

    I am away until 15th September please contact rogue in this time
  26. Tyla Jai

    Ban Dispute (Bnjemann)

    Hello the purpose of a dispute is to dispute the bans validity, I am satisfied the ban was issued for good reason and that you had violated the rules. If you want to be unbanned earlier than a year I would suggest making another appeal with the type 'apology'. Clearly shouting "allah akbar"...