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  1. Jack P

    Perpheads | Most Talented Person/Singer

    Guy makes his own music aswell, and Melody so they gotta step up their music!
  2. Jack P

    Perpheads | Most Talented Person/Singer

    You're right, but watch it anyways and change your mind ;)
  3. Jack P

    Perpheads | Most Talented Person/Singer

    To start with, sorry these wasn't edited I wanted to, but my Vegas didn't want me to -.-. So this guy started playing on perpheads again after a few years break, as he couldn't get on duty as officer, he decided to go out infront of Police Department and it shooked everyone of how wonderful it...
  4. Jack P

    Police computer fooked after server crash

    Well, I haven't been on duty today, but yesterday it surely wasn't fixed.
  5. Jack P

    Police computer fooked after server crash

    Well that's a yikes, hope you will be able to figure out.
  6. Jack P

    Police Suggestion TFU Taking Charge Policy

    Also for those who misunderstood this threat, the lovely @blobvis 2.0 Reformed it in a better way. "You are saying TFU take lead in situation's, yet that is not ur point, ur point is that highest ranking officer should get it and if not available the tfu officer should"
  7. Jack P

    Police Suggestion TFU Taking Charge Policy

    @Sneaky Thank you very much for finally clearing this up. I appreciate it very much.
  8. Jack P

    Police Suggestion TFU Taking Charge Policy

    @ShadowJoey I I'm not one who go around bother corporal and sergeants asking of observation reports like a greedy little shit who just want higher and higher rank. Just because people think I'm so fucking power-hungry all the times cause you guys know nothing. And yes u start getting a little...
  9. Jack P

    Police Suggestion TFU Taking Charge Policy

    @ShadowJoey It's fine you think that, I reply the way I feel is proper response if I don't find any other way myself, the reason this suggestion wasnt made before is because before I was tfu was because, I actually Thought that already was a thing. And if you really wanna go into why I'm not...
  10. Jack P

    Police Suggestion TFU Taking Charge Policy

    But there's reason there is tfu, you listen to them in raids. Most of them know what their doing, maybe as Samuel says some do not, idc about that. I respected tfu when I wasn't one and held perimeters and GOT OUT OF THEIR WAY in raids and shootouts. Even let's say they don't have more...
  11. Jack P

    Police Suggestion TFU Taking Charge Policy

    Not really though, Finlay is far from the only officer I've had issues with lmao.
  12. Jack P

    Police Suggestion TFU Taking Charge Policy

    Which policy? I and several others couldn't find that directly saying that.
  13. Jack P

    Police computer fooked after server crash

    Probably some code in some update they never got to finish properly or done wrong or a code that's outdated or something idk lol
  14. Jack P

    Police Suggestion TFU Taking Charge Policy

    @exrobite That one I understand Exro
  15. Jack P

    Police Suggestion TFU Taking Charge Policy

    @Tetra I 100% fail to see what even the slighest chance of what that has to do with TFU Training.
  16. Jack P

    Police Suggestion TFU Taking Charge Policy

    @Tetra I cba to argue this, you have no clue with what TFU is, or what the training is. So you just shouldn't comment on it, if you just had tried making an application you would even see that there is multiple things. That's Stage 2 you practice flash and C2. Stage 2 is situations such as...
  17. Jack P

    Police Suggestion TFU Taking Charge Policy

    @Tetra That's Stage 2. Stage 3 is Raiding and Bank Robbery's Lmfao
  18. Jack P

    Police Suggestion TFU Taking Charge Policy

    Don't comment on anything you don't have the slightest clue about thank you.
  19. Jack P

    Police Suggestion TFU Taking Charge Policy

    @Tetra Stage 2? I have Stage 2 and Stage 3. Don't think you've ever reached Stage 3 then or even done TFU
  20. Jack P

    Police Suggestion TFU Taking Charge Policy

    @Samuel it might be true, but it's the purpose of them, and you still have a certain amount of tactics and communication to become tfu. Evne with second tries.
  21. Jack P

    Police Suggestion TFU Taking Charge Policy

    @Samuel wut? Fite me
  22. Jack P

    Police Suggestion TFU Taking Charge Policy

    I dont really give a crap that you think it's egoistic, there is a reason you're tfu, there is a reason you have bigger guns. This is cause you're literally TRAINED to handle harder situations than a pistol cop. Pronto, it really isn't harder to understand.
  23. Jack P

    Police Suggestion TFU Taking Charge Policy

    Unless there's atleast 3 tfu on, I almost never tell pistol cops to hold perimeter. Nor did I tell another officer to hold perimeter all I told them to do was move way from the door. Something I don't don't us that you've even read my thread cause I didnt say tfu takes charge in every...
  24. Jack P

    Police Suggestion TFU Taking Charge Policy

    Pussy ;)
  25. Jack P

    Police Suggestion TFU Taking Charge Policy

    Fight me 1v1
  26. Jack P

    Police Suggestion TFU Taking Charge Policy

    Let's put it simple, I didn't tell him to hold perimeter, or leave. I told him to go away from the door, cause he kept screaming to put warrant on a property and gunpointing whilst we attempted a tactic. And he refused, the same officer went right infront of me, in a shootout aswell almost...
  27. Jack P

    Police Suggestion TFU Taking Charge Policy

    Yeah, that's what I meant with certain limits aswell
  28. Jack P

    Police Suggestion TFU Taking Charge Policy

    @MiniRaze Yes, responsible but doesn't directly mean TFU can order that, it's been confirmed by several people, even Command teams such as @A1L That there is no direct Policy Against it, plus I've gone through several policy's and handbooks none of them stating that you can DIRECTLY take command...
  29. Jack P

    Police Suggestion TFU Taking Charge Policy

    Yeah, but there's no direct policy to it. So if someone doesn't listen to TFU in raids you can't make an IA on them for it if you're not higher rank than them.
  30. Jack P

    Police Suggestion TFU Taking Charge Policy

    Brief description of idea: In conducted raids, such as Drug Raids, massive shootouts etc which TFU is more skilled/Trained to handle, then pistol cops or cop who just aren't TFU that they take charge. This means if a Senior Officer is TFU, and is the highest ranked TFU on duty, can tell Senior...