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  1. Jack P

    Flat Earth or Spherical Earth

    Secret Flat Earther Confirmed?
  2. Jack P

    Flat Earth or Spherical Earth

    But that's the thing, you CAN see it curves if you look for it.
  3. Jack P

    Should this be deemed unrealistic?

    @BigBenji Who else was Red Zergs?
  4. Jack P

    Flat Earth or Spherical Earth

    To be a bit serious, the eye has no limit to how far it can see, other than stuff blocking such as trees, buildings, hills etc otherwise theres no real limit. If you aren't too retarded if you look somewhere clear, you can clearly see the earth bow down as a circle or whatever how you want me to...
  5. Jack P

    Flat Earth or Spherical Earth

    @Palodhi Stop, just stop. The earth is clearly a fucking Triangle, everyone is lying. A Triangle on a Turtle back.
  6. Jack P

    Flat Earth or Spherical Earth

    @Duffy I chose to believe this
  7. Jack P

    Flat Earth or Spherical Earth

    It's triangle so we agree.
  8. Jack P

    Flat Earth or Spherical Earth

    Lies, The moon is a Square. It just looks round-
  9. Jack P

    Flat Earth or Spherical Earth

    We Triangle Earthers find it offensive, that you haven't added us to the vote. Therefor we ask @Collier politely to demote this fucking nerd, this is completely outrageous and absurd, we demand the respect we deserve. We have an eye on everyone and everything.
  10. Jack P

    Flat Earth or Spherical Earth

    I think it's a Triangle.
  11. Jack P

    Surrender act no longer drops the weapon

    Seems fine to me then I guess.
  12. Jack P

    Surrender act no longer drops the weapon

    @Tomiko Yes, I would love to see an idiot test. And my point is there is ALWAYS negatives, just because it's Rule Breakers doesn't mean it's not a negative but ok.
  13. Jack P

    Surrender act no longer drops the weapon

    @Tomiko You also have to consent to Zipties, and if you're minging or if you're a new player that doesn't properly understand rules, might just not consent, I'm not saying this is a bad idea, I'm just stating the obvious negatives. And maybe should be some changes in the suggestion, or how it'll...
  14. Jack P

    Surrender act no longer drops the weapon

    If they can keep their pistols, because it's not visible then why not?? As @Tomiko stated cops already do that, and they put hands up too.
  15. Jack P

    Surrender act no longer drops the weapon

    @Tomiko Cops can do that yes, but that doesn't make it less of a negative though? It's just as much a negative on cops, but this isn't a suggestion on cops am I right?
  16. Jack P

    Surrender act no longer drops the weapon

    Don't ask for feedback from people who vote no, if you get offended by it anyways.
  17. Jack P

    Surrender act no longer drops the weapon

    It can, but if you drop the guns they would have to pick it up again, and have time to pick it up which gives time to notice and shoot them.
  18. Jack P

    Surrender act no longer drops the weapon

    I like this more aswell, but theres still downsides.
  19. Jack P

    Surrender act no longer drops the weapon

    Negatives: Minges, or people who think they get a chance pulls their pistol and tries to take them out. Under gunpoint
  20. Jack P

    Should this be deemed unrealistic?

    @BigBenji I wonder who those Red Zergs is HmMmmMMmMm
  21. Jack P

    Should this be deemed unrealistic?

    It's not really only him, it's half the TFU Unit that does it, Lol.
  22. Jack P

    Happy bday mate :p

    Happy bday mate :p
  23. Jack P

    It was fun! But everything actually got an end..

    Yeah haha, I remember that ^^
  24. Jack P

    It was fun! But everything actually got an end..

    /rates Bigass Disagree But yes we should play CS:GO Together at some point.
  25. Jack P

    It was fun! But everything actually got an end..

    I'll get you your tag later today.
  26. Jack P

    It was fun! But everything actually got an end..

    If you see someone called Pack Jeterson it's definitely not me.
  27. Jack P

    It was fun! But everything actually got an end..

    We have grown together and had fun together, so I assume lmao.
  28. Jack P

    It was fun! But everything actually got an end..

    @filip Already done you melon
  29. Jack P

    It was fun! But everything actually got an end..

    Only cause, you didn't wanna buy me CS:GO Skins >:(
  30. Jack P

    It was fun! But everything actually got an end..

    You're too useless to get a tag.