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  1. Sindarin

    Police Suggestion Add old TFO hat options & allow TFOs to pick their hat

    This may get into a PD customization update though, however that update was already suggested in the past
  2. Sindarin

    Bug Report (City Info Application Income)

    Income is generally based on the very few policies that provide it, and gov employee income tax Generally speaking its not enough to offset expenses and as such it says 0 since the city is draining money As for the other taxes, sales etc, they don't get counted
  3. Sindarin

    Bug Report (Allocating two medic slots as the Mayor)

    A fix for this and another possible slider related issue in that menu has been made
  4. Sindarin

    Bug Report (Allocating two medic slots as the Mayor)

    I will look into this
  5. Sindarin

    Bug Report (Paramedic Supervisor Defib randomly takes two hits.)

    For Supervisor and above it is meant to either take one or two hits
  6. Sindarin

    Police Suggestion Patrol Vehicles

    Upon review by the Advisory Board and the Chiefs we feel as though adding more unmarked car opportunities for patrol officers runs counter to their divisional duties
  7. Sindarin

    Ban Apology (CONSOLE)

    Are you saying you are not a alt account of another user, or that you are one and you are saying sorry for that
  8. Sindarin


  9. Sindarin

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday
  10. Sindarin

    Police Suggestion Changing units

    The unit specific radios are only for those units All the Papa units (Papa 1 => Papa 9) are free to use for everyone for this exact purpose, please use them
  11. Sindarin

    *Sassy Queen

    *Sassy Queen
  12. Sindarin


  13. Sindarin

    Police Suggestion Traffic Gear Suggestions

    ish I'm not opposed to new models however for now I think we will table this suggestion as a whole due to the item listed below, in the future I may revisit the model stuff when the modelers have some free time When it comes to gearing down we would prefer that you continue to use the armory...
  14. Sindarin

    I ain't no stinky evil broker

    I ain't no stinky evil broker
  15. Sindarin

    New Chief of Department

    If anyone wants to know this is how the CoD is chosen
  16. Sindarin

    candy crush

    SWTOR is better, however you can play both at once so.....