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  1. Sindarin

    Ban Dispute (sidd)

    A apology is a admission of guilt, as such you cannot dispute after making one (See a help page here) If you feel staff misconduct occurred you can make a staff complaint
  2. Sindarin

    Tyla Jai

    I support Tyla Jai, he and I have things in common
  3. Sindarin


  4. Sindarin

    Bug Report (Unable to make a car dirty, still.)

    I will look into this
  5. Sindarin

    Police Suggestion Weapon confiscation

    If we do something around this topic, we will not use this implementation @GP @Hayden @AwesomeGamersHQ
  6. Sindarin

    Police Suggestion TFU Transit (not just a new skin)

    @GP @Hayden @AwesomeGamersHQ
  7. Sindarin

    Police Suggestion Dispatch “panic” function when on CCTV displays the panic at their camera location.

    We see the issue this is trying to solve but we may go about a different way of solving it @GP @Hayden @AwesomeGamersHQ
  8. Sindarin

    Police Suggestion Dispatch - [Priority Categorisation]

    We don't have any plans to implement this, we will be working on other features @GP @Hayden @AwesomeGamersHQ
  9. Sindarin

    Police Suggestion Secret service tool "Metal" detecting wand

    Put a metal detector on the doors @GP @Hayden @AwesomeGamersHQ
  10. Sindarin

    Police Suggestion Police Training area Custom Environment Creator

    Not worth the development time sadly @GP @Hayden @AwesomeGamersHQ
  11. Sindarin

    Police Suggestion Check if crowbar or bobby pin used

    @Hayden @GP @AwesomeGamersHQ
  12. Sindarin

    Police Suggestion Warning tickets ($0)

    ish We will allow officers to use the remarks system @Hayden
  13. Sindarin

    Police Suggestion Patrol “Buff”

  14. Sindarin

    Police Suggestion Long sleeve shirts

    Essentially a duplicate of this\ If you want long sleeved models you can make a model suggestion tho @Hayden
  15. Sindarin

    Police Suggestion Assign all units - Dispatch

    We will look into possibly being able to select more then one unit, then assigning them all with the normal method @Hayden
  16. Sindarin

    Police Suggestion 911 Calls

    If you are holding a gun in active stance you will not get 911 calls CPLs and SGTs can take 911 calls @Hayden
  17. Sindarin

    Server Suggestion Remove ability to cancel reload anim before new round is fed

    It does not seem like this happens anymore
  18. Sindarin

    Server Suggestion Able to take DNA on Disconnected Bodies.

    If I recall before I was a developer Muffin looked into this and said it was impossible, I'll take a second check but cant promise anything
  19. Sindarin

    Fucker gave me a concussion

    Fucker gave me a concussion
  20. Sindarin

    Community Suggestion agree button for rules

    Already exists
  21. Sindarin

    Police Suggestion Allow TFU to battering ram any door without having to be SGT+

    Better Thread: