There is no situation were we will make IAs public, if thats what your getting at here
The anonymous feature on current PLPD is a issue were some discussion can be had post release, since its almost impossible to submit valid proof on a IA without showing your identity anyway
These are good suggestions but as stated before for now we are only working on sorting bugs, with that being said, a lot of the UI stuff will be worked on by the new UI developer @flugs after initial release
Although Dank's suggestion is really a bug since its meant to be sorted by most recent...
It is fixed on my build, that build is not on the test site
Could you send me the profile over discord
These are all great suggestions, but until initial release we will ONLY be addressing bug reports
A basic release of the new site is coming soon! Data has been migrated, so feel free to spam this thread with all bugs on PLPD test
Your ban will be set to its previous time
Steelo banned you due to a misunderstanding over how the console ban system works, and was unaware that an automatic ban happens when your main is banned
Reviewed with: @SamSN
Seems as though this is aimed at people not noticing DNA is no longer valid and issuing false arrests etc,
Do you think that simply allowing DNA to be archived, like warrants, will achieve this goal?
Statistically, more staff have been banned for cheating in the past two years, and then gotten staff, then staff who have been given enforcer for free after getting helper.............
Again don't cheat!
Also Helper is not a route to Enforcer!