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  1. joR

    Man Don't Roleplay - Viktor Belinsky

    And it only feels like yesterday daddy was here :(
  2. joR
  3. joR

    damn dude

    damn dude
  4. joR

    i actually love u

    i actually love u
  5. joR


    Arma 3 is great, I love some of the servers on that. Enjoy yourself mate, remember to properly resign from the PD in case you want to come back one day!
  6. joR

    wait is that a building contractor that specializes in masonry?

    wait is that a building contractor that specializes in masonry?
  7. joR


  8. joR


    Welcome mate, join us all on Team Speak 3 one day! IP is just
  9. joR

    [AWARD] Sergeant KeiwaM - Distinguished Service

    PARALAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT AWARDS Forum Name: @KeiwaM Awarded: Police Distinguished Service Awarded to individuals that show consistently high standards, conduct and ability during their duties in the Paralake Police Department. Sergeant KeiwaM has sadly resigned, he has been with the...
  10. joR


  11. joR

    need a web dev pls

    Hi guys, need some personal little website made with only a few things, if you know javascript even better yo. Can you PM me on forums if interested, will pay.
  12. joR

    i dont get it

    i dont get it
  13. joR

    Bye for now

    Bye Teemo, thanks for your work with the Police Department. Hope you enjoyed your time and hope you're back soon!
  14. joR

    check wiki squeekeer

    check wiki squeekeer
  15. joR

    i don't think i'm intelligent enough to understand what you mean? You go on the forums or team...

    i don't think i'm intelligent enough to understand what you mean? You go on the forums or team speak to pass your opinion. No discussion is done in-game.
  16. joR

    Would it make you better if I say that you can challenge the law addition on the forums?

    Would it make you better if I say that you can challenge the law addition on the forums?
  17. joR

    Parked outside your flat again g, sorry if I have your space.

    Parked outside your flat again g, sorry if I have your space.
  18. joR

    "If in doubt, hit zing or dumb" - William Shakespeare 2019

    "If in doubt, hit zing or dumb" - William Shakespeare 2019
  19. joR

    I just looked back, do you still not understand the definitions of protest? Protest can simply...

    I just looked back, do you still not understand the definitions of protest? Protest can simply mean making a statement against the matter, it doesn't always mean sitting out front of a city hall whining. It can simply mean to disagree, use Google my fiend. I'm protesting against how you treated...
  20. joR

    How much do I owe you

    How much do I owe you
  21. joR


  22. joR

    thanks for having my back!!!!!!!

    thanks for having my back!!!!!!!
  23. joR

    Is the server TOO serious?

    me irl waiting for my homies to help me back up from the dumb ratings, thank you @Hazza56 @LordTyla @Exrobite @John Daymon @ayjay On a serious note (sorry for pictures I see it triggers y'all) this has just gone completely off topic, if you don't agree with things, why not post in the relevant...
  24. joR

    Is the server TOO serious?

    So to simple protest (which means to make a statement against, or actions in some cases) is way too extreme? I don't understand how challenging a point/discussion is too much.
  25. joR

    Is the server TOO serious?

    I am, just look above the pictures. I found the pictures pretty amusing and really lightened my day.
  26. joR

    Is the server TOO serious?

    I guess back to my first point then
  27. joR

    Is the server TOO serious?

    Again, you can use the forums/ts3 to challenge these discussions, we're not forcing you to head onto TS3. Maybe we should disband the Police Department as it's just a virtual server??? Your argument seems to be because it's a virtual server we shouldn't have any of these processes that allows...
  28. joR

    Is the server TOO serious?

    So because it's a server, challenging something is considered way too serious?
  29. joR

    Is the server TOO serious?

    Again, you can use the forum to make the discussions - you can discuss it either on the forums or at the meetings
  30. joR

    Is the server TOO serious? - making the server in-game orientated, doesn't that make sense for an in-game server???? People do still make law suggestion, there is a bit of discussion from ALL players on the forum. The Council announce what will be discussed about a week in...