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  1. Photon

    happy birthday you absolute faggot ily hope you had a good day (no homo)

    happy birthday you absolute faggot ily hope you had a good day (no homo)
  2. Photon

    you're funny

    you're funny
  3. Photon

    plz no

    plz no
  4. Photon

    Captain Wylde's top 8 best weapons for defending!

    Shotguns are garbage, I despise them. You'll most likely be standing behind a barricade holding a tight angle onto the door, good luck having all your pellets land between that angle you're holding and then have one hit them in the head. MAC-10 will literally shred someone but that person will...
  5. Photon

    /me rates optimistic

    /me rates optimistic
  6. Photon

    Who said this was bad :^)

    The 9mm variant takes around 4-5 shots to kill. Use the 10mm, takes 3-4 instead.
  7. Photon

    I'm Sorry Daymon

    sounds like you've just read the song over two times and you're singing it like you're in a monologue and have the urge to die -7/10, needs more emotion
  8. Photon

    jokes on you, i like green day

    jokes on you, i like green day
  9. Photon

    Need new CPU and Mobo

    Hello nerds, So currently my i5-4690 isn't getting the job done. It's bottlenecking my 1060 in most games somehow, and I'm usually getting 90-100FPS in siege, but I need that sweet 120+ for my 144hz monitor. In other games I get stuttering or random frame drops sometimes and it's really...
  10. Photon


    Normally not getting a prebuilt WAS what you should do, but as you can see from this as an example That's my GPU. It cost me $330 before this huge ass raise in price because of mining. Right now, getting a prebuilt is unfortunately the most cost-effective choice someone can make right now.
  11. Photon

    not if I shoot myself first

    not if I shoot myself first
  12. Photon

    reported for hurting my feelings

    reported for hurting my feelings
  13. Photon

    Terrible FPS

    70FPS WHAT With my fucking i5-4690 I get like 60~ or below, fucking bottleneck smh. Anyways, do a fresh install of drivers, make sure you're not running the game on the highest settings, do what @Creepis said and use those commands, make sure that your PC is detecting your 8GB of RAM and new...
  14. Photon

    Trauk's non 3.4 montage xd

    great hitreg
  15. Photon

    is it blue or green i'm colorblind

    is it blue or green i'm colorblind
  16. Photon

    (LONG POST) I had to say this, Perp shouldn't die.

    AR's exist for a reason. While I do agree that you shouldn't become a salt-filled creature if someone breaks a rule against you, but it honestly depends on the severity of it. Making an AR is player discretion, it's up to you whether you think they deserve a punishment for the actions they've...
  17. Photon


  18. Photon

    2017 Elf/Doll Sale

    Offering 50k because of @John Daymon's statement.
  19. Photon

    Nervous in gunfights

    Calm down and adjust your breathing. These situations get my heart pumping too, I know. Aim head height and slow your mouse movements.
  20. Photon


  21. Photon

    jc denton retribution

  22. Photon

    Double tap E to confirm jumping out of car

    Main Idea: Double tap E as confirmation that you want to jump out of the car Full description of the idea: Double tapping E to confirm jumping out of the car Why should it be added?: So you don't accidently jump out of your car. Pros: Not accidently jumping out of your car, not dying on...
  23. Photon

    @Aquaa steal his pc

    @Aquaa steal his pc
  24. Photon

    Pce for a while

    >existing in a universe with officers See you later, virgins.
  25. Photon


  26. Photon


    here's a photo of u
  27. Photon


    I beg to differ.
  28. Photon


    Here we go. Getting ready to shred the local mosque with my 2000RPM Assault rifle chambered in 20mm anti tank shells.
  29. Photon

    10/10 Hitreg

    "shotguns are good now" no, this is exactly why I fucking despise using them
  30. Photon

    ReLive Instant Replay audio de-sync/cut off issue

    Try allocating more CPU usage to the program in the background, could be a bottleneck or it's just not using enough. How to: This will pop up: Click "Change Priority". I had an issue in Siege where CUE wasn't getting enough CPU usage so my mouse movements and clicks were delayed, I upped...