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  1. Photon

    Any recommened good games to play?

    Get Rainbow Six Siege. It's got a learning curve to it but I'll help you, I'm sure other members of the community would help too. *COUGH* @MachineGunO *COUGH*
  2. Photon


  3. Photon


    Try going into device manager and disabling/re-enabling the USB ports.
  4. Photon


    That's what comes with the job. You have to realize that it's just a game and people are messing around, people don't really mean that to you as a person yourself. Having a young voice is just something people use to pick at you. Your voice has no ability on how you play a video game at all...
  5. Photon

    Opinions on the new “iPhone X”

    Way fucking over priced product in an over saturated market. It's funny because Samsung supplied the displays and processors.
  6. Photon

    14/09/17 Update log

    fuck off with the bait thanks
  7. Photon

    F :(

    F :(
  8. Photon

    Luke Perso

    didn't he get banned a day after he got unbanned lmfao
  9. Photon

    would I get forum banned for making a meme with someone getting shot and torn apart by an AA cannon

    would I get forum banned for making a meme with someone getting shot and torn apart by an AA cannon
  10. Photon

    The real reason "perp is dying"

    And then at the end of the day you realize it's just a game. Instead of dealing with all of that, you resign and continuously raid people with bombs because it's fun instead of waiting for a promotion that probably won't happen unless you get goodie goodie with someone ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  11. Photon

    does this mean you watch subbed anime or you speak fluent japanese

    does this mean you watch subbed anime or you speak fluent japanese
  12. Photon


    I'll do you one better
  13. Photon


    See you soon Dad :( Tbh I enjoyed it when we were on duty together (too bad I gave up rip) and outside of PD. I'll see you in 10 months ;)
  14. Photon


  15. Photon

    >gets executed in a firing line like it's 1942 >/me rates dumb xddd

    >gets executed in a firing line like it's 1942 >/me rates dumb xddd
  16. Photon

    how do i become authorized

    how do i become authorized
  17. Photon

    happy birthday man

    happy birthday man
  18. Photon

    i see why people think you hack now lmfao

    i see why people think you hack now lmfao
  19. Photon

    Hurricane Irma Aftermath And

    Fuck I think Irma is using an alt account now, good job getting it banned for 2.5 last time Also glad to hear you're not dead, keep spamming F61!1!1
  20. Photon


  21. Photon

    AR on Photon

    We were following you in reverse, I guess if you think that's malicious than idk
  22. Photon

    AR on Photon

    We were pissing about because no one else was on, if you want to make a salt fueled AR go ahead. At the end of the day it's just a game
  23. Photon

    AR on Photon

    You were armed
  24. Photon


  25. Photon

    AR on Photon

    From my perspective it looked like you ran him over on purpose and that he was in the bleed out stage. I thought you were intending to kill us since we threatened your friend in blue we were gonna kill her.
  26. Photon

    why is your aim so good

    why is your aim so good
  27. Photon

    happy birthday mr morman

    happy birthday mr morman
  28. Photon

    Bye for now

    what an informative post that not only has a topic but explains it as well Cya
  29. Photon

    >be me > lose metrocard > have to walk 40 minutes to class > class starts at 8:30

    >be me > lose metrocard > have to walk 40 minutes to class > class starts at 8:30
  30. Photon

    fucking add me back

    fucking add me back