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  1. Atomic

    cheers husky you cutie

    cheers husky you cutie
  2. Atomic

    Ty Janice

    Ty Janice
  3. Atomic

    Ty gimmic

    Ty gimmic
  4. Atomic

    cheers cutie

    cheers cutie
  5. Atomic

    cheers bb

    cheers bb
  6. Atomic

    Thank you triha I mean Sorle <3

    Thank you triha I mean Sorle <3
  7. Atomic

    Cheers u little nigga

    Cheers u little nigga
  8. Atomic

    Cheers Adrish

    Cheers Adrish
  9. Atomic


  10. Atomic


  11. Atomic

    Not A Shooting Montage 8

    O ya nibba we made it
  12. Atomic

    Expandable Organisation Limit

    Are you not perma banned for cheating?!!?!??!!?
  13. Atomic

    AR on Leonard Mayfair, Dylan Rusell and Natsumi Asao

    Bro, you clearly broke rules or some shit and don't want us seeing it. It is physically impossible to gain someones personal information through a garrys mod demo being uploaded. The only way possible would be if you uploaded it to mega and named your mega your real full name...
  14. Atomic


  15. Atomic

    Soz bro It's a forum bug :(

    Soz bro It's a forum bug :(
  16. Atomic

    Update Log - 31/05/2019

    I meaaaaaaan ur not wrong
  17. Atomic


    cya bud gunna miss ya stay in touch!
  18. Atomic

    Community Discussion - What do you want?

    @Dr. Dräjj In around 9 hours of straight doing drugs you can make a mill. sounds more than affordable to me.
  19. Atomic

    plz click the image ok

    plz click the image ok
  20. Atomic


  21. Atomic

    Update Log - 31/05/2019

    I am having a lot of engine sounds that do not seem right? the RC truck sounds like a fire truck, the crown vic sounds like the RC truck and the police cruiser sounds like its got a twin turbo in it.
  22. Atomic

    Update Log - 31/05/2019

    Now I default dance when winning my raids!!!!
  23. Atomic

    Code Monkey's Re-Intro

    welcome back bud!
  24. Atomic


    This is pretty dumb if u ask me. Your point being that OOOOOOOOOOOOO ITS BIG OPEN PUBLIC SPACE REE but you even said in the video 'stop bobbie pinning my door please' whether it was public or not he has already committed the crime of trying to break into your shop gping you and forcing you to...
  25. Atomic

    Servants Of Jesus application

    Am i accepted?!?!?!?!
  26. Atomic

    La Camorrá Applications

    Free my nigga david amirite?
  27. Atomic

    Servants Of Jesus application

    OOC Information Steam name: I Age: would Playtime: rather IC Information Name: mass Current Balance: rdm Car(s): than Favourite Weapon(s): join Previous organizations: this Skills/Talents: org Reason for joining?: love Will you let Jesus lead you to victory royale?: you
  28. Atomic

    Debit cars

    I would like something in place so I dont need cash on me to buy from store
  29. Atomic

    Pharmaceutical Addition - Legal Money

    Like I said in ts its a great idea but is it really worth the time to make. Sure its a great Idea more things to do ingame etc. But lets be real if its gunna be a legal way of making money then it cant have a high pay-out due to the fact then its way to easy to make money with no risk of cops...
  30. Atomic

    0 Marksmanship Compared to 100 Marksmanship

    In teamspeak when making his post in one of the other recoil threads