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  1. Misel

    Happy birthday Conyo!!

    Happy birthday Conyo!!
  2. Misel

    Ban Apology (@Misel)

    We feel that you should wait this one out. You are soon to be unbanned so take these days to enjoy your birthday! Reviewed with @Hendricks
  3. Misel

    Refund Request (1x Sako, full mag + Stock+ Comp)

    Contact an Administrator in-game
  4. Misel

    PERPHeads 2021 CS:GO Tournament - Teams and times.

    I don't think I will be able to play the 9th, something came up quite drastically and my team needs someone from Sweden on their team to show them how to play counter-strike, so IF you want you can take my place.
  5. Misel

    Ban Dispute (@Misel)

    You have 24 hours to provide us with the demo file. @blobvis 2.0 @curak @Riekelt
  6. Misel

    Ban Apology (misel)

    This is an apology and when apologizing for something don't include that it "wasn't worth a three-day ban". You also disputed the ban which indicates that you are not fully understanding. I think you should take this time to think about what this ban entails. Reviewed by myself and @blobvis 2.0
  7. Misel

    Ban Apology (@misel)

    You are not apologizing in this apology, also you have been posting multiple apologies, just copy and pasting what you wrote here. Take the rest of this ban and think of what you did wrong for a bit and make sure it doesn't happen again. Reviewed by myself and @blobvis 2.0
  8. Misel

    Action Request (Kenty)

    Already dealt with in-game.
  9. Misel

    Ban Apology (Misel)

    Your ban will be lifted as Aaron has decided to accept your apology. Make sure to be more careful with grenades and NEVER lie to a staff member again! Reviewed by myself and @Double J
  10. Misel


  11. Misel

    Perpheads tattoo thread V2

    @CensoredExe He is sooo cute!!!!
  12. Misel

    Refund Request (Tier 1 Audi R8+ repair price)

    @Tyla Jai
  13. Misel

    Perpheads tattoo thread V2

    @aarondavid45 Late april FOOOOOLS
  14. Misel

    Perpheads tattoo thread V2

    @Alex_:D Nope I didn't. I planned on making 3 the same day on my leg, and because of COVID the wait time was around 3 months. So the football and my dog was something I had been thinking about for a long time and the baby yoda I just slapped on there, I don't regret it tho.
  15. Misel

    Perpheads tattoo thread V2

    @John Daymon Men de är ju också jätte standrad
  16. Misel

    Perpheads tattoo thread V2

    It's just a dickhead move to roast, someones tattoos, I won't mind but some people might.
  17. Misel

    Perpheads tattoo thread V2

    Yes, it got cut off at birth.
  18. Misel

    Perpheads tattoo thread V2

  19. Misel

    Perpheads tattoo thread V2

    Jag har funderat på tre kronor, MEN har en polare som har de så det är ju lite bad.
  20. Misel

    Perpheads tattoo thread V2

    Hi perphead community! Welcome to the perpheads tattoo thread feel free to post any tattoos you have or tattoos you have seen that you like or that you think look cool! Note: If anybody decides to post a picture of their tattoos, don’t talk shit about them! I’ll start with my tattoos I have...
  21. Misel

    Refund Request (Tier 1 Car Wreck)

    Make a report ingame including this link to receive your refund
  22. Misel

    Post your pets

    The white one to the right is extremely fat so his name is fatty
  23. Misel

    Post your pets

    Christmas doggo pic
  24. Misel

    Staff Team Changes

    Mim you fell for it.
  25. Misel

    Refund Request ($32000)

    You are free to make a report including this link to receive your refund.
  26. Misel

    Ban Apology (Misel)

    I feel like it was a genuin misstake by you. Your ban will be reduced to 3 days. Please in the future be more carefull and don't let this happen again.
  27. Misel

    Ban Apology (Misel)

    You will be unbanned. Never do this again, next time your punishment will be worse.
  28. Misel

    Action Request (Kenty)

    After reviewing the demo provided by @aarondavid45, @Kenty did in fact run Aaron over. @Kenty will be receiving a warning for breaking 2.5
  29. Misel

    Action Request (Kenty)

    It's very hard to tell from this video what happened. Please provide us with the demo file named perpheads_demo_2021-3-23 15-36-17 If you have a problem with uploading your demo follow this guide You have 24 hours to do so or this will be closed
  30. Misel

    Ban Apology (misel)

    You have less than a day on your ban. Take this time to read through the rules once more. Thank you for your apology though Reviewed with @Riekelt