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  1. cardstarvipe

    [GIVEAWAY] 2x Shower With Your Dad Simulator 2015

    Cause i want to know how akward wanking with my dad would be Cardstarvipe
  2. cardstarvipe

    What grinds your gears?

    @MachineGunO no more to be said
  3. cardstarvipe

    Song lyrics perpheads parody contest

    @Slayerduck aka joe baggers
  4. cardstarvipe

    happy birthday

    happy birthday
  5. cardstarvipe

    Happy birthday

    Happy birthday
  6. cardstarvipe

    Cancer turns you into a neo Nazi

    Most fun ive had in a while this was simply amazing
  7. cardstarvipe

    Happy birthday

    Happy birthday
  8. cardstarvipe


    Can i have your money?
  9. cardstarvipe

    What Background do you use?

    sorry @Brinch it was time to change things up
  10. cardstarvipe

    doggo got some moves

    doggo got some moves
  11. cardstarvipe


  12. cardstarvipe

    ur 5 days early skrub

    ur 5 days early skrub
  13. cardstarvipe

    sexy boi

    sexy boi
  14. cardstarvipe

    RR Car

    Your in-game name: Philip Wood Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:82479983 What do you need refunded: Because what happend was a bug wich caused my car to wreck Why do you want your item(s) refunded: 2.1k Evidence:
  15. cardstarvipe

    Happy bday

    Happy bday
  16. cardstarvipe

    liiterly pissed my pants that shit was one of the most funny things ever

    liiterly pissed my pants that shit was one of the most funny things ever
  17. cardstarvipe

    Need your help

    @Tom Hill his sugestion is really good but this might be a good one to
  18. cardstarvipe

    Bye :c

    Cya fam we had some good times together good luck with school work i should do the same shit but i dont cuz idfk xD
  19. cardstarvipe

    Post ur best clip on perpheads here.

    yes thats the fps i used to play on
  20. cardstarvipe

    Happy bday

    Happy bday
  21. cardstarvipe

    Dont worry baggers we all know their corrupt if bean can can do it anyone can :'(

    Dont worry baggers we all know their corrupt if bean can can do it anyone can :'(
  22. cardstarvipe

    Do we want more melee weapons?

    reminded me of my fav childhood movie :') yes pleas
  23. cardstarvipe

    3.21 EDIT

    Main Idea: Editing 3.21 so its clear wether on you can or cant mug at DD Full description of the idea: Well currently the NPC rule is really vague at the moment it says so thats bassicly saying that u cant do shit infront Gov NPC's because they will call the cops etc but what about the drug...
  24. cardstarvipe

    I tried but didn't succeed

    @ShadowJoey The build up was fucking great though
  25. cardstarvipe

    That speed enforcer though

  26. cardstarvipe

    That ambulance though

  27. cardstarvipe

    Hats,glasses underneath people/in the ground

    Its bothering me anyone know a fix? ive verified my game cache,reinstalled all the content packs idk what else to do
  28. cardstarvipe

