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  1. Chris_

    Refund Request (Chris_)

    Your Steam Name: Chris_ Your Roleplay Name: Xao Higgins Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:43608080 Reason for Request: Player stole my vehicle and crashed it in the same place twice, causing it to be tiered twice. (Wrecked) Requested Items: Full Wreck Repair Price: $69,000 Evidence Type...
  2. Chris_

    Happy birthday big man

    Happy birthday big man
  3. Chris_

    ANTI-LEGACY Montage

    Absolutely crazy edit man, love it!
  4. Chris_

    Refund Request (Chris_)

    Your Steam Name: Chris_ Your Roleplay Name: Xao Higgins Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:43608080 Reason for Request: Someone stole my car and tiered it, @phoondos Requested Items: Tier 1 Wreck Repair Price: $27,600 Evidence Type: Action...
  5. Chris_

    Happy birthday big man, like a quarter dead mate!

    Happy birthday big man, like a quarter dead mate!
  6. Chris_

    GOAT Talk

    GOAT video-game?: GOAT car?: GOAT clothing brand?: GOAT show?: Reacher was a fucking good TV show i'll have to give it to reacher. GOAT meme?: GOAT city?: Kraków always wanted to visit but never really got the time nor the money. GOAT food?: I know i'm gonna be judged for this...
  7. Chris_

    Action Request (zNoah)

    Your Steam Name: Chris_ Your Roleplay Name: Xao Higgins Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:43608080 Player's Steam Name: zNoah Player's Roleplay Name: Robert Toft Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:503344080 Why should this player be punished?: Robert Toft stole my vehicle from bazaar, and proceeded to...
  8. Chris_

    pephed gameng

    This res makes me feel like i'm playing css again
  9. Chris_


    Nice clips man, seke the og tho ngl
  10. Chris_

    Current favourite songs V2 [OFFICIAL]
  11. Chris_

    Billie Coxk Perpheads Montage #4

    Fire clips, fire song.
  12. Chris_

    Police Suggestion Dispatch - [Incident Dropdown Menu]

    Good thought out suggestion, never played dispatcher but I can see how it'd be of use.
  13. Chris_


    Sick compliation brother, original song would be much better ngl
  14. Chris_

    Server Suggestion chop shop

    Currently chopshop is literally easy money with little to no risk, Making it even easier isn't needed in the slightest. Right now its luck of the draw where your car spawns so that's atleast some risk.
  15. Chris_

    Police Suggestion Give RTU Unmarked Transit

    It's not needed to put it behind a devision, like alot of other people said just leave it for patrol.
  16. Chris_

    Congrats man, it's well deserved you've worked really hard for this role!

    Congrats man, it's well deserved you've worked really hard for this role!
  17. Chris_

    Server Suggestion add key bind

    This would be so nice something like the new primary and secondary commands
  18. Chris_

    perpheads shoot shoot

    Good shit, good music choice aswell Parklife is better though
  19. Chris_

    Happy birthday!

    Happy birthday!
  20. Chris_

    Server Suggestion Planter changes

    So then people who are intentionally doing it so people csnt use their planters csnt do that anymore
  21. Chris_

    Server Suggestion Planter changes

    Why not make it so when plants die after a certain period they physically aren't in the planter anymore
  22. Chris_

    Goodbye (ish)

    Much respect for you Hayden I wish you the best of luck in life! Always level headed and respectable.
  23. Chris_

    Best Lucozade Flavour?

    Bad boy flavour honestly
  24. Chris_

    Bug Report (If you have your hands up and the f6 menu open, if someone asks you to consent to ziptie it freezes your game and you cannotdo anything)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: If you have your hands up and the f6 menu open, if someone asks you to consent to ziptie it freezes your game and you cannotdo anything How to reproduce the Bug: Put your hands up, open f6 get someone to try zip tie you Time Stamp: N/A Errors...
  25. Chris_

    what was your first concert?

    Seen entershikari when I was 15 then again when I was 17 then again when I was 21, I've also seen bear tooth aswell both really good live entershikari was better though
  26. Chris_

    TFO POV No Knock Raid

    Nice frags bro
  27. Chris_


  28. Chris_

    Server Suggestion Repair Kit

    I believe these used to exist and are more rare items now. Honestly its a good idea for something in the way of spare tyres cause having to drive with popped tyres is really tedious and annoying. All around I think we need something which is more dedicated to repairing cars other than wrenches.
  29. Chris_

    What should i be crafting to make money?

    Honestly i'd just craft pistol ammo and rifle ammo cause they sell the best, you can do crafting orders and possibly ask to become a crafter for vault corp down the line.