Search results

  1. Chris_

    Happy birthday sneed

    Happy birthday sneed
  2. Chris_

    Fallout on Amazon Prime

    Might have to give it a watch
  3. Chris_

    perpheads | montage #1

    Dont know how you can play on that res+that fps nice clips though
  4. Chris_

    Rule Suggestion (3.13 Selling Items)

    Money moves
  5. Chris_

    Yo perpheads modded minecraft?

    Yo perpheads modded minecraft?
  6. Chris_

    Refund Request (Chris_)

    Your Steam Name: Chris_ Your Roleplay Name: Xao Higgins Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:43608080 Reason for Request: Lost Sako due to user breaking "2.5 - User shot potential raiders prior to the raid starting. The user then once killing the raiders shot out their tires." Requested Items: 1x...
  7. Chris_

    Rule Suggestion (3.13 Selling Items)

    No hard feelings Kevko <3. It is a plague and will become worse there needs to be some rules
  8. Chris_


    cya in 4 months!
  9. Chris_

    paralake ballas character development thread

    This character development go crazy
  10. Chris_

    Server Suggestion Lockpick system

    I really dont think this would bring anything to perpheads and is more of a FiveM gimick
  11. Chris_

    Server Suggestion Joinable Organisations

    This sounds like an amazing idea and could be good for new players finding organisations.
  12. Chris_

    Model Suggestion Laser Sight attachment

    Slight improvement to accuracy + Giving away your location like it does on tarkov These two in combination will be good, and would allow for a massive advantage in "point shooting" like it does in tarkov.
  13. Chris_

    perpheads shooting and stuff

    W mia joy montage ngl
  14. Chris_

    Action Request (Smite99)

    I am also involved in this and was shot at the same time as anthony
  15. Chris_

    Best Monster flavour

    The og is good, has anyone tried the bad apple?
  16. Chris_

    Best Monster flavour

    Pipeline punch is firee
  17. Chris_

    Best Monster flavour

    That's a fucking fire flavour, I like thay it's less carbonated
  18. Chris_

    Perpheads Montage 3 - Breathe

    I'm breathing
  19. Chris_

    Server Suggestion steal TFU guns on death

    Makes absolutely no sense, you would just inflate the economy and will make people want to break rules more for finacial gain.
  20. Chris_

    Best Monster flavour

    Fire choice, I like the ultra ones too
  21. Chris_

    Best Monster flavour

    Bold choice, feel its too artifical of a watermelon flavour for me.
  22. Chris_

    Best Monster flavour

    Right lads I know there's got to be some Kyle's in perpheads What's everyone's favourite monster flavour personally I love the monarch flavour
  23. Chris_

    V6 guns and weaponry

    Too much detail for a gmod server, if it ain't broke don't fix it. I understand Clarkys argument 100% from a staffs perspective and it would lead to more people breaking 3.4 in my opinion.
  24. Chris_

    Server Suggestion Spawn Locations depending on a shootout

    Honestly makes alot of sense I don't see how this could be implemented from a script side but would be a good change.
  25. Chris_

    Update Logs Compilation

    Rogue always doing God's work, thanks for taking the time out your day to do this!
  26. Chris_

    Update Log 01/04/2024 – Vehicle Balance & Model Changes

    Love the new vehicle rework
  27. Chris_

    Juantage 10

    Juan go crazy
  28. Chris_

    What's with this server and anime logos

    People like it people use it simple