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  1. steelo

    3D Printing

    Heh btw do you own any firearms? I love guns lol where do you usually keep yours?
  2. steelo

    Rule Changes and 3.4 poll - 28/07/2024

    'Ignorance is bliss' here is very midwit and seemingly baseless coming from the 3.4 breaker himself, but okay(?) I thought it's common sense that the mechanical punishment for breaking 3.4 in a mug situation is being shot and killed and then banned from the server(?) I'm not sure what your...
  3. steelo

    Refund Request (steelo)

    Your Steam Name: steelo Your Roleplay Name: Silvio Walnuts Your SteamID: STEAM_1:1:43071681 Reason for Request: Some goober revenge RDM'd me after his NLR expired. Requested Items: 1x Deagle w/ loaded mag Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff Member: @Ellie
  4. steelo

    Rule Changes and 3.4 poll - 28/07/2024

    This could be an interesting idea actually. Force players to play extremely cautious when carrying a lot of drugs, etc. Avoiding collisions and driving properly not because they want to RP correctly, but because they understand the consequences.
  5. steelo

    Rule Changes and 3.4 poll - 28/07/2024

    For the sake of realism, players with a weapon in passive should still surrender and forfeit their items when under gunpoint by three or more assailants. However, for the sake of gameplay preservation, players shouldn't have to make phone calls (to ensure they are 3-4+) in order to comfortably...
  6. steelo

    Server Suggestion Firefighter CPR Chance Buff

    Ranking up within the FD will innately increase your chance at successfully performing CPR as can be seen in the guide
  7. steelo

    Server Suggestion Job props auto-despawn

    Suggestion Title: Job props auto-despawn Suggestion Description: After 10 minutes have passed since an employee placed a job prop (e.g. police evidence marker, barricade, cone), the item despawns. Why should this be added?: - Prevent prop diarrhea all over the highway, etc. which happens way...
  8. steelo


    nice frags men
  9. steelo


  10. steelo

    Ban Apology (Aquaa)

    Hello, hopefully I can provide some insight into the specifics of the rules in order to minimize confusion; Had this accident taken place while you were a civilian, you could still be punished for 3.15 Vehicle Damage and/or 3.22 Highway Driving (on top of the 2.5) instead of 4.1 Follow The Law...
  11. steelo

    happy birthday

    happy birthday
  12. steelo

    Pets of PERPHeads

  13. steelo


  14. steelo

    Server Suggestion Unlimited OOC messages for Honorary

    Suggestion Title: Unlimited OOC messages for Honorary Suggestion Description: Allow Honorary members unlimited OOC messages. Why should this be added?: - Honorary members are veterans of the server who have proven that they are not abusive. What negatives could this have?: - None What...
  15. steelo

    Current favourite songs V2 [OFFICIAL]

    The things you call bussin I can’t understand
  16. steelo

    happy birthday cracker

    happy birthday cracker
  17. steelo


    you’re not gonna get staff back by glazing…
  18. steelo

    Perpheads Montage very cooll

    perp montage culture has truly reached its pinnacle
  19. steelo

    2 more weeks, trust the plan patriot. #WWG1WGA

    2 more weeks, trust the plan patriot. #WWG1WGA
  20. steelo


  21. steelo

    bro couldnt handle walking to garage, many such cases...

    bro couldnt handle walking to garage, many such cases...
  22. steelo

    happy birthday

    happy birthday
  23. steelo

    Perptage || Sproxy

    agreed sorle.
  24. steelo

    Perptage || Sproxy

    terrorist resolution
  25. steelo

    happy birthday :oldman:

    happy birthday :oldman: