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  1. steelo

    Password game

    After the g7 pawn recaptures, white's light squared bishop captures on f7 with checkmate, as the other knight not only defends the bishop, but also the d7 square, which the black king wishes to escape to! I think you're seeing recaptures with the dark squared bishop, which is not the correct...
  2. steelo

    Password game

    Wait no it’s Nf6+, it’s forced mate because after black takes back with the pawn, simply Bxf7# wins for white. So the solution is ‘Nf6+’
  3. steelo

    Password game

    I think the solution is Nxe7 because after the bishop recaptures with Bxe7, Nxf7 now forks blacks queen and rook, and the diagonal is open for whites light squared bishop to defend Nxf7.
  4. steelo

    Police Suggestion Going On Duty Locked While Bank Heist Active

    Suggestion Title: Going On Duty Locked While Bank Heist Active Suggestion Description: Players will be unable to go on duty as Police while an active Bank Heist is ongoing. In order to go on duty, one of the following conditions will need to be met: 1. One minute has passed since the bank...
  5. steelo

    Community Spotlight - March 2024

    its a doggy dog world
  6. steelo

    Ban Apology (steel)

  7. steelo

    Ban Apology (STEELO)

    Play properly or you'll just get banned for longer mate!
  8. steelo

    well deserved, enjoy noclip :woot:

    well deserved, enjoy noclip :woot:
  9. steelo

    Best Monster flavour

  10. steelo

    Ban Apology (steelo)

    If you believe your ban is excessive, create a staff complaint. Disconnecting to avoid losing items like this won't be met with a simple slap on the wrists.
  11. steelo

    Ban Apology (Steelo)

    If you continue to act in defiance of rule 3.4, your punishments will continue to be harsher and harsher. Please be more careful and make an active attempt to abide by the rules.
  12. steelo

    happy birthday!

    happy birthday!
  13. steelo

    bro whole personality became zombies for the month

    bro whole personality became zombies for the month
  14. steelo

    Map Suggestion Remove the ability to lock open doors

    Do you mean a bolt lock will prevent the door from shutting entirely OR when the lock is engaged, the door can no longer move? I'm actually confused at this point.
  15. steelo

    Ban Apology (steelo)

  16. steelo

    Map Suggestion Remove the ability to lock open doors

    Not any doors that I know of. Locking an open door doesn’t prevent it from closing, assuming it isn’t a bolt lock (judging by the fact that we use keys to lock and unlock it, this would not be a bolt lock).
  17. steelo

    Ban Apology (steelo)

    Please send me a friend request on discord so that this may be discussed; ‘stee1o’. From what I witnessed, you had RDM’d a player with your handgun, took a taxi to the city, hitched a ride back to the Bazaar and then ended up killing a few more players moments later. Let’s chat on discord when...
  18. steelo

    Ban Dispute (blobvis 2.0)

    You broke rule 3.20 because you disconnected roughly 6minutes after shooting an officer, plus you were restrained when you disconnected. I recommend reading the rule. Make a staff complaint if you think the length is excessive. @Aquaa
  19. steelo

    Ban Apology (Aquaa)

    Replying "-" and "+" randomly just makes it seem like you're bumping the thread, which was the reason I commented. Now quit yapping and wait for Aquaa to reply.
  20. steelo

    Ban Apology (Aquaa)

    Stop spamming the thread and wait for Aquaa to reply.
  21. steelo

    Refund Request (Liuflat)

    1x Scar 1x Scar Stock 1x Rifle Comp 1x Red Dot 1x STANAG 30rnd with ammo
  22. steelo

    Ban Apology (steelo)

    Since you've decided to copy & paste this into a dispute, I'll let other admins deal with it. To conclude, your ban was 2 months as your previous punishments along with this situation indicate that you have no intentions to play the server properly. Your dispute will go nowhere as you clearly...
  23. steelo

    Ban Apology (steelo)

    You can create a Staff Complaint if you believe the length isn’t justified. Also, it was two vehicles, a Nissan Skyline and a Police vehicle were both rammed by your tow truck intentionally. Could you explain why you’ve attempted to ban evade as well?
  24. steelo

    Making a minecraft server

    i’m gonna lava cast the spawn
  25. steelo

    happy bday

    happy bday
  26. steelo

    Ban Dispute (Nazeer)

    Not only did you drive directly into your NLR zone, you jumped atop your car in order to peek into the property whilst still having NLR timer (this caused your HP to be reduced to 1), you then took out your firearm and began pre-aiming the inside of the property (utilizing the information you...
  27. steelo

    Ban Dispute (Nazeer)

    Sorry for the delayed review of this dispute. I'll take a look through the demo and reply within the hour with a conclusion as well as any insight I can provide to aid you moving forward.
  28. steelo

    Server Suggestion TV in jail.

    Figured you’d mention Norway in this thread
  29. steelo

    Competition #1
  30. steelo

    Ban Apology (stello)

    Your ban will expire tomorrow instead of the 19th. Be more cautious in the future please.