Search results

  1. pain

    What do you truly regret doing?

    i really regret the hours ive spent on garrys mod, but tbh now im less active cause of work.
  2. pain

    PERPHeads Christmas Calendar 2022

    Gamba W
  3. pain

    PERPHeads Christmas Calendar 2022

    yes that means i can say that ive been to the gym now lets go :cool:
  4. pain

    PERPHeads Christmas Calendar 2022

    sue me fucker u aint gonna get me buster. :cool:
  5. pain

    What videogame are you most passionate about?

    GTA 5 got this from the very start even pre ordered it back in 2013 i can remeber watching the trailer and getting goosbumps off the bat and ordered it. (and tbh still do) arma 3 first game i got when i got a pc for the first time, met alot of people on there and i mostly played rp servers...
  6. pain

    @rxsm welcome back ill probs find u in the casino

    @rxsm welcome back ill probs find u in the casino
  7. pain

    Server Suggestion New Ringtone

    Suggestion Title: New Ringtone Suggestion Description: the ring tone from gta 5 and which we all know Franklins ringtone from the game. Why should this be added?: - it would be pretty cool cause it is very iconic What negatives could this have?: - its a little loud tho would probs have to...
  8. pain

    chicken butt

    chicken butt
  9. pain


    u got me guys wow left the org now im org less and also hoeless
  10. pain


  11. pain

