Search results

  1. 3izu

    Ban Apology (@3izu)

  2. 3izu

    Ban Apology (Megasaw)

    You were caught ban evading once again.
  3. 3izu

    Ban Apology (Megasaw)

    Ban has expired.
  4. 3izu

    Happy birthday

    Happy birthday
  5. 3izu

    Ban Apology (blobvis 2.0)

  6. 3izu

    Ban Apology (i dont know who did)

    Ban has expired.
  7. 3izu

    Ban Dispute (J A C K)

    After reviewing the report, the previous dispute and the messages you sent to @A1L. It's clear that you were misleading staff, albeit perhaps not in a fully overt manner. The next day you further solidified this with the comments you sent in the org chat. It was also brought to our attention...
  8. 3izu

    Ban Apology (3izu)

    Ban Expired.
  9. 3izu

    Ban Apology (Megasaw)

    Ban has expired.
  10. 3izu

    Ban Dispute (Megasaw)

    By failing to react to the commands given—you failed to comply under gunpoint. It's as simple as that.
  11. 3izu

    Ban Apology (tillin)

  12. 3izu

    Ban Apology (Tilin)

  13. 3izu

    Ban Dispute (Megasaw)

    From the video you provided, it is clear you violated 3.4. As soon as the player got out of their vehicle, it's clear they pulled out a gun and then started telling you to put your hands up, you should have complied at that point. You did not have plenty of time and sufficient space to get...
  14. 3izu

    Ban Dispute (Goonsberg)

    So the only reason you decided to molotov the car was to prevent the officer from catching your friend?
  15. 3izu

    Ban Apology (3izu)

  16. 3izu

    Ban Dispute (Megasaw)

    After reviewing both perspectives, it's clear that you violated Rule 3.4. The gunman consistently kept you under direct gunpoint, and the distance between you and him made it impossible for you to break away safely. Once you failed to lock the door, you should've taken this as a chance to...
  17. 3izu

    Refund Request (DanielRabbit)

    I have compensated you for the following items: 1 x Brügger & Thomet MP9 with: 1 x 9x19mm Magazine x30 (MP9) 1 x Brügger & Thomet MP9 Stock 1 x Pistol Reflex Sight 1 x Rifle compensator
  18. 3izu

    Ban Dispute (Erwin)

  19. 3izu

    Ban Dispute (Erwin)

    Since this is a dispute, you will need to provide evidence. If you don't have any evidence, please provide the demo of the situation. You will have 48 hours to provide the demo. The demo should be named: perpheads_demo_2024-8-17 18-37-00 Upload it to this website. If you have issues locating...
  20. 3izu

    Ban Apology (3izu)

  21. 3izu

    Blacklist Dispute (aqua)

    You have a history of having unrealistic names. DeagoLisa BennetSTEAM_0:1:745914229Player changed name from 'Lisa Bennet' to 'Fenta Nyl'Aug 15, 2024 2:23:32 AM DeagoSanklin FaintSTEAM_0:1:745914229Player changed name from 'Sanklin Faint' to 'Fentin Nall'Aug 16, 2024 12:07:40 AM...
  22. 3izu

    Ban Apology (3izu)

  23. 3izu

    Ban Apology (@3izu)

  24. 3izu

    Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

  25. 3izu

    Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

  26. 3izu

    Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

  27. 3izu

    Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

  28. 3izu

    Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

  29. 3izu

    Ban Apology (3izu)

  30. 3izu

    Ban Dispute (A1L)

    The original ban was for MASS RDM. Both accounts were banned for ALTing.