Search results

  1. 3izu

    Ban Dispute (Dave)

    An important thing to note: We generally, do not ban people when it comes to insulting, however, since this was directed in an OOC manner action was taken. In-Character gameplay is not subject to the Basic Conduct Rules, with the exception of any rules explicitly stated to apply during...
  2. 3izu

    Approve pls

  3. 3izu

    Ban Dispute (Dave)

    Why were you going around insulting them in a different language, did they do anything to you to react that way?
  4. 3izu

    Ban Dispute (Dave)

    Are you disputing this ban on the basis of feeling that it's invalid as a whole or the length of the ban?
  5. 3izu

    Refund Request (Th3rrorist)

    I did not authorize this RR, the gun is still in-game. You'll be contacted once it has been retrieved.
  6. 3izu

    Ban Dispute (3izu)

    Hello, You were banned for the Projex incident not the Parker one, I would advise you to provide this demo: perpheads_demo_2023-11-20 22-53-15. Alternatively, you can have your friend (Oskar) provide footage of you requesting magazines or you can provide footage of Oskar Giles requesting the...
  7. 3izu

    Action Request (i dont know) #3izu

  8. 3izu

    SUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII congrats my brother

    SUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII congrats my brother
  9. 3izu

    Ban Dispute (Pug)

    Instead of closing this dispute, I decided to demorequest one of the people involved in the situation. After reviewing the demo, we completely agree with Pug's punishment. When looking at the demo, you stood around the area of the shootout multiple times and even then decided to go into the...
  10. 3izu

    Ban Dispute (Pug)

    As mentioned above multiple times, in order for your dispute to be considered you must provide the evidence. Should your next response be anything other than the evidence I will take it as you refusing to provide it and I will be closing your dispute.
  11. 3izu

    Ban Dispute (Pug)

    Once again, you need to provide the evidence. "look with ur fucking eyes" doesn't qualify as evidence.
  12. 3izu

    Ban Dispute (Pug)

    As this is a dispute, you'll have to provide evidence. Please provide the following demo: perpheads_demo_2023-11-10 19-20-39 A guide that can help you with demos. A website you can upload the demo to and provide the link here. Provide this in the next 48 hours.
  13. 3izu

    Happy bday november gang

    Happy bday november gang
  14. 3izu

    Ban Apology (3izu)

  15. 3izu

    Refund Request (ALOO89)

    You will be refunded the following items: 1 x AI AS50 with: 12.7x99mm Magazine (AI AS50) ACOG Sight 1 x FN SCAR-L with: 5.56x45mm STANAG Magazine x30 FN SCAR-L Stock Rifle compensator Red Dot Sight 1 x Brügger & Thomet MP9 with: Brügger & Thomet MP9 Stock Rifle compensator Pistol Reflex...
  16. 3izu

    Ban Apology (3izu)

    You're not apologizing, feel free to make another apology with a lot more effort.
  17. 3izu

    Ban Apology (3izu)

  18. 3izu

    Ban Dispute (rxsm)

    You cannot dispute a ban twice, since the previous one was denied feel free to make a staff complaint on the staff member or make an apology.
  19. 3izu

    Ban Dispute (Ellie)

    After reviewing the evidence provided and logs, we came to the conclusion your actions were a clear breach of 3.5. Your death at PD surely would've given you an indication that the vicinity of slums/PD is not to be interacted with. You should've left the area and not interacted with the...
  20. 3izu

    Ban Dispute (ellie)

    Please provide the following demo: perpheads_demo_2023-10-19 16-33-03 A guide that can help you with demos. A website you can upload the demo to and provide the link here. Provide this in the next 48 hours
  21. 3izu

    Ban Dispute (a1l)

    We would like @Blokexd to provide his demo: perpheads_demo_2023-10-3 18-52-26
  22. 3izu

    Action Request (Mr Ross)

    Reviewed with @Dave @Sean @Ellie @Maia
  23. 3izu

    Ban Dispute (a1l)

    If you wish to continue disputing the validity of this ban, please provide the following demo: perpheads_demo_2023-10-3 18-37-05 A guide that can help you with demos. A website you can upload the demo to and provide the link here. Provide this in the next 48 hours
  24. 3izu

    Action Request (Mr Ross)

    @bobbieross Please explain your actions, you have 24 hours.
  25. 3izu

    Ban Dispute (a1l)

    Who was streaming and why were they streaming?
  26. 3izu

    Happy birthday big fella

    Happy birthday big fella
  27. 3izu

    Islam gonna make Oliveira sleep this is gonna be one of the best fight cards, khamzat retiring...

    Islam gonna make Oliveira sleep this is gonna be one of the best fight cards, khamzat retiring costa, sharabutdin retiring bruno.
  28. 3izu

    Ban Apology (3izu)
