Search results

  1. Death Howl


    I would not be suprised if the PLPD had enough of me going inactive but missing a important staff meeting to tell the police how to do their job as a medic was well worth it. I will be submitting a request to be reinstated but I don't know if I will get Corporal back. I wish you the best of...
  2. Death Howl

    A New Senior Administrator

    I never got to know Lewis much but what I do know about him is that he deserved this rank. I wish you the best of luck with this new rank Lewis.
  3. Death Howl

    What suggestion?

    What suggestion?
  4. Death Howl

    The M1928 Thompson

    Inaccurate, high recoil, 50 round magazine. Is someone used to the P90 or something? I agree this should be used but we need to think of the time frame I mean how often is this gun used now. We should be thinking how older weapons like this would match up with the modern day counterparts for...
  5. Death Howl

    Now look what you all done!

    Well hello Death Howl and a few of you discovered my hideout and what I have been doing in the past few months. Well you made me miss this community and I decided that I should get involved once again. The reason why I left was that I believed that I was stuck with barely anything but my car and...
  6. Death Howl

    Multiple Gun Bag

    This reminds me of the movies where everyone is carrying a armoury in their gunbag. The reason why they did not keep the system where there was no limit on the guns you can carry is the weight of the weapons and mingegrabbing multiple weapons. This idea is promising and I have moments where I...
  7. Death Howl


    Some of the benefits are experiments going wrong and a broken coffee machine. Sign me up.
  8. Death Howl

    Trunk Searching

    This should be tied to a warrant system as anyone can just search a whole car park with no trouble. This has alot of potential for abuse as cars unlike players cannot file a report or create an AR. I am really uncertain about this I would like it but only if it had safeguards to prevent one...
  9. Death Howl

    Vegemite wrecked by a deagle

    How the police won. Waited outside then killed the survivors.
  10. Death Howl

    Perpheads has changed. And into the worse sadly.

    Money and power changes people thats why back in evocity I was actually able to run my taxi org the Private Transport Co only getting mugged twice. Now that everyone has guns, money and fast cars they are so toxic and powerhungry that they would probably shoot me if they crashed into my car...
  11. Death Howl

    Anyone getting Wildlands?

    The division is nothing compared to this but if I tried to rùn it on my computer I will have a new oven. Please tell me this is available for Xbox one or I might just go Just Cause on their asses.
  12. Death Howl

    [Discussion] Raiding 5.7

    And do you think the same happens IRL? This is unrealistic and would effect the server in a big way and unless you want a good neighbours RP which no-one is a good neighbour here it just can't happen. Crime happens people get desperate and turn to other people and take what they need if this is...
  13. Death Howl

    Spooky Ghost-Busters - TRAILER

    Im just going to do a quick rundown on a badly planned ghostbusters here. Arrives in a mini running down several officers Tries to blind a moderator responding to a report with a physgun Gets banned for 3.4 The End.
  14. Death Howl

    The Transporters

    The Transporters are a world wide organisation who specialise in transporting anything in any situation any by anyone no matter what. The Transporters were founded by Frank Martin the most well known driver world wide being hired by millionares for any kind of job. After the fall of the Private...
  15. Death Howl

    PERPheads Community Awards 2016: Category Suggestions

    Late entry award. Biggest loser at the casino.
  16. Death Howl

    What should I RP as?

    Im setting up the basis to hire mercenaries via tooter as I will now be moving into mercenary work once I get my new car. Im starting to setup a new org based on the movie series Transporter. I always love to bring in new ways to RP its good to know im not the only one.
  17. Death Howl

    Freezes game

    Hello I have looked at what was available and I have a few ideas how to resolve this issue. As @SleepyMode meantioned there is an automatic demo recording however it was not explained that a high ammount of demo files can lead to crashes. Rename any demos you want to keep and delete those you...
  18. Death Howl

    greetings again

    Good to have you back. You have been missed as a part of the community.
  19. Death Howl

    [Suggestion] Rule 4.10

    What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: 4.10 Camping/waiting at job NPC's Your version of the rule: Players should not stand around the NPC for long periods of time waiting for a slot or attempting to block other players from trying to talk with the NPC. One players cannot get what they want they...
  20. Death Howl

    I'm back... I play pok- No.

    *Turns radio off and stamps on it* Welcome back frank we have missed you welcome back to paralake.
  21. Death Howl

    PerpHeads HACKED???!

    Thanks for the heads up I have not noticed anything out of the ordinary but I use variations so I need to consider if any of them were compromised. To tighten up security why not consider the use of authenticators even using SMS authentication can make a big difference. Stay secure, stay safe
  22. Death Howl

    Higher bonuses for courriers - The suggestion

    Delivery is rarely used since the food was removed and they lose most of their money just because of the fuel costs. They just dont earn enough and get deliveries. I have heard of jobs that might get reworked but this is the one that really needs it.
  23. Death Howl

    [SOLVED] Ethernet Issue

    Please check the ethernet cable for damage as they are alot weaker than most cables especially the connectors. A temp solution is most laptops have onboard wireless compatability.
  24. Death Howl


    I have a new theory and it seems likely. The server automatically runs demos have you ever thought about how many you get each day? Every time the game jumps for one or two seconds could actually be a demo stopping and another starting so already taking strain from other factors these could...
  25. Death Howl

    Mini Cooper Rally 2016

    Cooperation with the PLPD up until some sweater cop panics because he thought he saw a gun. I do miss the old car shows and organised races good to see that they are returning.
  26. Death Howl

    Revamp of the SS - Suggestion

    The current uniform for SS allows them to blend in with a new uniform this would be very hard. The limo is one of the oldest vehicles along with the ambulance so yes it looks horrible. A new vehicle would really help blending in as there are several known escalades driving around even the...
  27. Death Howl

    The Skies

    I played it once and it was disapointing you sound like a sweater cop when talking to the NPC's. Never seen a dialog with replies that mostly consisted of. Ohhh Ahhhh Ughhhhh Should have called my character captain caveman if the dialog was like that.
  28. Death Howl

    How to properly roleplay as an EMT

    You should include a map as most medics dont know where they are going.
  29. Death Howl


    I can never find the time for passive RP because something always get in the way so I had enough and muted my radio during interrogations and complaints. The problem is power thats all what everyone wants in this order Money Guns Drugs Cars Expensive buildings Dead cops Action Requests I used...
  30. Death Howl

    Dmitrii the 1st

    And its Paralakes got no talent. With your host who is "Just like tyla" Im kidding an interesting idea not exactly well executed but if my computer lasted long enough I would have gone for the comedy act.