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  1. Maia

    Vault Corporation

    can give you my Frequent Buyer Discount
  2. Maia

    Server Suggestion crowbar pity system

    It's true!
  3. Maia

    Server Suggestion Bayonet Knife buff

    If we only cared about realism you would die with a single shot, I believe the balance is good the way it is
  4. Maia

    Server Suggestion A few ideas

  5. Maia

    Demo Questions

    If you would like to know how demos work I suggest you read this: The demos are saved in: steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\data\phdemos There's an option in F1 that...
  6. Maia

    Bug Report (Contacting RC without phone)

  7. Maia

    Server Suggestion Speed loader (for revolvers)

  8. Maia

    Organisation Leaderboard Reset

    I will hand the trophies to the org owners
  9. Maia

    Bug Report (Flowering on weed not working?)

    This is not a bug, the numbers are random. Also, as @Lucius Husky said, Flowering is the worst possible stage to harvest
  10. Maia

    Bug Report (Material Deletion when Deployed)
  11. Maia

    Bug Report (Material Loss BUG)

    Tried to reproduce this, unable to, I will refund you for your 30k tho
  12. Maia

    Bug Report (Morons wall eats people)

    Should be fixed
  13. Maia

    Bug Report (image not working for uploading)

    then you were the problem, I see
  14. Maia

    Bug Report (Message Dupe)

    Pretty sure this has been fixed, it was due to a xenforums update
  15. Maia

    Bug Report (Typo in "The city did not have enoguh funds to pay you.")

    Again, blame @Bolli for this one.. Fixed
  16. Maia

    Bug Report (Pull out equipped weapon bug)

    I dont understand what the bug is, please be more descriptive
  17. Maia

    Bug Report (Lighting being really bright???)

    This happens to me sometime as well, not our bug, if anything I think its cool as it gives you an advantage in the dark :facepalm:
  18. Maia

    Bug Report (tried to put pots in planter pots magic away)

    That clip does not exist.
  19. Maia

    Bug Report (image not working for uploading)

    Video does not exist, is this still a thing?
  20. Maia

    Bug Report (After the chopshop drop off money location comes it fails 2 minutes later.)

    Its not a bug, right now you have 30 minutes to complete the entire mission, from the moment you press "Activate" to the retrieval of the money. You took longer than that to complete, hence why it failed. I will increase this time to 40 minutes
  21. Maia

    Bug Report (Drug sell bonus is worded improperly)

    @Bolli breaks, I fix
  22. Maia

    Bug Report (Drug sell bonus is worded improperly)

    I will leave this here so you know who to blame:
  23. Maia

    missing item

    duplicate and does not match the template
  24. Maia

    Chop Shop mission, didn't get paid?

    Please fill out the template correctly. Otherwise it's a pain in the ass to investigate this.