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  1. Max

    they weaponized cold weather.... they weaponized it :watched:

    they weaponized cold weather.... they weaponized it :watched:
  2. Max

    Best Combat orgs in perp

    Hindustan Petroleum Corporation tended to frag out… the hungriges raiders a close second
  3. Max

    he's gonna try the heavy stock this game guys

    he's gonna try the heavy stock this game guys
  4. Max

    The most hated thing on perp

    connection issues, I haven't been able to join in 597 days... please fix
  5. Max

    but you blew it, capiche?

    but you blew it, capiche?
  6. Max

    Nate Jones visited me, and bought me numerous pints last weekend.... not to mention being an...

    Nate Jones visited me, and bought me numerous pints last weekend.... not to mention being an adept pool doubles teammate. If that's what falling off is then sign me up buddy :cat:
  7. Max

    return to paralake

    got my hopes up thought I was making a return..
  8. Max


  9. Max

    Monkey's In Paradise Applications

    Thank you for your kind offer, I will consider it and get back to you as soon as I have deliberated. Kind Regards M.P
  10. Max

    Monkey's In Paradise Applications

    General Questions ; Roleplay Name ; Mud Piss Net cop playtime in the year 2023 ; 0 Inventory and Bank Balance images ; I can't log on to get them in this current moment due to unforeseen circumstances Firearms level ; 125 Cars ; its a good movie but it originally released the same year as...
  11. Max

    Tis an awesome thing to see!

    Tis an awesome thing to see!
  12. Max

    Happy birthday captain, I miss the old tfu training days, hope you keeping well brotha :cool:

    Happy birthday captain, I miss the old tfu training days, hope you keeping well brotha :cool:
  13. Max

    Who is your patrol buddy?

    Mud Pearse TFU command was a different breed… miss my guys…
  14. Max

    What do you wish for christmas

    Probably what I got for christmas 2020... best gift ever
  15. Max

    Favorite Drummer

    seen @Nate live in dublin and I gotta say what a breath-taking experience... wheelans will never forget him
  16. Max


    Enough of this auld online craic… chalk it off
  17. Max

    can you be a character witness for me I have been the victim of some real rotten apples...

    can you be a character witness for me I have been the victim of some real rotten apples...
  18. Max


    Those who know...
  19. Max

    Bread was very appreciative

    Bread was very appreciative
  20. Max

    responding code 3 to CQ for immediate response and appropriate action. advice taking lt. Dave to...

    responding code 3 to CQ for immediate response and appropriate action. advice taking lt. Dave to nearby maccas for treatment
  21. Max

    @Dave seems you’re mistaken, as I’ve come to imagine you are quite often! If you would only have...

    @Dave seems you’re mistaken, as I’ve come to imagine you are quite often! If you would only have the gumption to refer to my profile you can see my true title as Paralake Thought Leader and Innovator… I understand if you can’t grasp the importance to the vitality of the municipality that my...
  22. Max

    only 630 points? with that message to reaction score ratio?… buddy you’d be lucky if I let you...

    only 630 points? with that message to reaction score ratio?… buddy you’d be lucky if I let you be my doormat
  23. Max

    [INFMAP] 1:1 Ireland

    either... bonus for both
  24. Max

    [INFMAP] 1:1 Ireland

    first person to find the @Nate house and screenshot it and post it here gets 5k perp cash
  25. Max

    drink up natey, stay up all night with the things you could do you won't but you might

    drink up natey, stay up all night with the things you could do you won't but you might
  26. Max

    the ways he shows me I'm his and he's mine opened hand or closed fist would be fine

    the ways he shows me I'm his and he's mine opened hand or closed fist would be fine
  27. Max

    Anglo Arms

    Anglos out the empire has fallen
  28. Max

    Whats the worst thing you have done irl

    you made me stay in dt instead of landing begs for the motive that one time.
  29. Max

    first time playing

    it was an m82 idiot...
  30. Max

    Baggy trousers shitage

    who did it better then...