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  1. Max

    Things you can say in shootouts that you can also say in bed.

    over 4 years ago I conceptualised this absolute banger…. I won this thread… thank you @flugs for reminding me
  2. Max

    Best property to solo base?

    roof of the building across from office... real ones know
  3. Max

    what can I say my alt is doing well :D

    what can I say my alt is doing well :D
  4. Max


    I wanted gay sex.
  5. Max

    Update Log 29/01/2024 - Mixed Bag

    I’m assuming that people wearing the cat ears are kos by default yeah?
  6. Max

    What do you play while on Vacation (banned)?

    me too @Tinky :3
  7. Max

    XDeathXclash wanting to say hi!

    make ur kids grow for u
  8. Max

    can we ban this guy?

    can we ban this guy?
  9. Max

    Nate Jones

    lieutenant of my nuts where is your mod rank
  10. Max

    Nate Jones

    holy sh*t its the real ZARPGaming Bigwhal Super Admin Application...... I hope he gets it :penguin:
  11. Max

    Nate Jones

    thanks duke money ford <3
  12. Max

    Nate Jones

    @Nate the one who got away...
  13. Max

    hey thats me!

    hey thats me!
  14. Max

    Fat bastard at that

    Fat bastard at that
  15. Max

    Nate didn’t come out tonight with the boys… he was at home moderating perp instead… bastard

    Nate didn’t come out tonight with the boys… he was at home moderating perp instead… bastard
  16. Max

    I’m gonna target you

    I’m gonna target you
  17. Max

    this looks like a post someone’s hacked twitter account would make in 2014

    this looks like a post someone’s hacked twitter account would make in 2014
  18. Max

    cutest perpheads player

    @Nate when he wants to get into bed with you he can be real sweetie
  19. Max

    happy birthday!

    happy birthday!
  20. Max

    pcs had it lol

    good tune but why using spotify on web browser o_O
  21. Max

    pcs had it lol

    a broken computer wouldn't stop a true perper.... interesting to see where your loyalties lie. you make me sick
  22. Max

    State of Roleplay - 2023

    state of role play?… what about the state of you, fella :penguin: :penguin: :penguin:
  23. Max


  24. Max

    Paralake Ballas Applications

    Ally with the WHAT
  25. Max

    paralake ballas character development thread

    been a huge paralake balla fan since 2019... looking promising guys...
  26. Max

    whos actually successful from perp?

    Clearly not… my life has only went uphill since I got banned from perpheads perp
  27. Max

    happy birthday saint wylde big benji bonnie feral looking BAStard that you are/.... miss doing...

    happy birthday saint wylde big benji bonnie feral looking BAStard that you are/.... miss doing TFU with you hun x
  28. Max

    free up old m3nsa crew we would bring parkalele to its knees

    free up old m3nsa crew we would bring parkalele to its knees
  29. Max

    Current favourite songs V2 [OFFICIAL]

  30. Max

    Did anyone hear someone just say something? I can’t hear anything over the deafening sound of...

    Did anyone hear someone just say something? I can’t hear anything over the deafening sound of lack of solutions accredited