Search results

  1. hondjo


  2. hondjo sorry sir but i reflected your dumb rating sorry sir but i reflected your dumb rating
  3. hondjo

    Leaving, Forever

    wat is deze vriend door mij ken jij deze server dit kan echt niet
  4. hondjo

    faster than @Skudist

    faster than @Skudist
  5. hondjo


  6. hondjo

    jc denton retribution

    hmmm yes
  7. hondjo

    now join the server or riot

    now join the server or riot
  8. hondjo

    i was literally just thinking about you

    i was literally just thinking about you
  9. hondjo

    fuck you too

    fuck you too
  10. hondjo

    [Solved] Random Crashing

    If you are on low end specs lowering settings and most importantly resolution might help. Personally i cannot connect if my resolution is too high
  11. hondjo

    PERPHeads is perfect

    you my frend are a big snitsch
  12. hondjo


    i like how all winner ratings have been given by dutch people and dumb ratings by dumb foreigners
  13. hondjo

    [Discussion] no weeb content allowed in the shoutbox

    ok i understand i have to rewrite my 2 minutes of work here ffs remove japan otter than that yes is very good suggestion yes good contructive comment remove japan naked schoolgirl from my sons shoutbox or i will start fuming
  14. hondjo


  15. hondjo

    Ghost Busters - A Perpheads scary movie

    @Skudist Seems familliar??
  16. hondjo


  17. hondjo

    PLPD Badges IRL?

    dispatch is always forgotten, even in badges
  18. hondjo

    what did everyone get for christmas in 2017

    i got this little shit
  19. hondjo

    i dont speak that language mister head enforcer

    i dont speak that language mister head enforcer
  20. hondjo

    happy bday head enforcer

    happy bday head enforcer
  21. hondjo

    1 Mil Giveaway. @John Daymon is a faggot

    sure lol
  22. hondjo

    Sophia Hudson

    i just saw her at the market and she yelled "nigga nigga" i cant stop laughing
  23. hondjo

    PERPHeads Secret Santa 2017

    yes very read sire
  24. hondjo

    sky is not appearing propperly

    close this cunt and its fixed cheers some ooc guy @scheme
  25. hondjo

    sky is not appearing propperly

    fixed delet
  26. hondjo

    Hafnarfjörður birthday!!1

    Hafnarfjörður birthday!!1
  27. hondjo

    PERPHeads Community Awards 2017 - Results

    happy bday bolli!
  28. hondjo

    Update Log - 12/12/2017

    lol lets strafe a lot because its **effective**