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  1. hondjo

    hi, happy birthday stranger

    hi, happy birthday stranger
  2. hondjo

    F @Ultimate

    F @Ultimate
  3. hondjo

    I said I would post this when you would resign / get demoted. bit late but anyway...

    I said I would post this when you would resign / get demoted. bit late but anyway
  4. hondjo

    hi there happy bday

    hi there happy bday
  5. hondjo

    grats bludist

    grats bludist
  6. hondjo


  7. hondjo

    Ar on MacOBrien

    Your Steam/In-game Name: hondjo | Jerry Conrad His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Abdullah Yahudi | Mac Obrien His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:13531288 Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4 User shot me for no reason as I had no reason to arrest/suspect him of anything whatsoever. (no i didnt see the gun...
  8. hondjo

    Happy bday

    Happy bday
  9. hondjo

    Daily basis (sometimes)

    @Weazel @Henkspenk dikke ziggo boys
  10. hondjo

    gefeliciteerd mijn jongen

    gefeliciteerd mijn jongen
  11. hondjo

    What a journey

    Damn man, of all staff you were by far the best. Also an amazing friend, one of the first people I've met on this server. Very sad to see you go even though I was kind of prepared for it. Good luck in the future man.
  12. hondjo

    happy bday

    happy bday
  13. hondjo

    lol ur no expert

    lol ur no expert
  14. hondjo

    Crashing When Joining?

    Try to lower your graphical settings, resolution and/or dxlevel, either too high or too low may affect your ability to join the server. I think anything above 95 or under 90 crashes your game upon joining. Unsure whether this is true for other players though.
  15. hondjo


  16. hondjo

    had it for ages lmao

    had it for ages lmao
  17. hondjo

    [Aplications] The Dutch Royal Family

    OOC and IC Name: hondjo / Jerry Conrad Country: sdnalrehteN Playtime: idk like 2 months Previous ORGS? too many sweaterorgs i dont even know Why do want to join?: geert wilders is my hero Gambling Addiction: no
  18. hondjo


    how about playing on a lower resolution/dxlevel or overall settings. I pretty much have everything to the lowest to a point where it still looks okay but most people still tell me my game looks like crap. Runs well though, hmu on steam for commands or smth
  19. hondjo


    0/10 not enough raindancing.
  20. hondjo

    Opinions on the new “iPhone X”

    *walks slowly towards microphone and sits down* I hate apple anyway and this shit looks like the display cracks after tapping it too furiously while playing candy crush *deep breath*
  21. hondjo

    Update Log - 15/09/2017

    I like how Hungriges schwein still means hungry hog however it's not really a restaurant anymore now is it?
  22. hondjo

    Intro or comming back thread

    seeing people's barrels through walls is automatic cheating amirite..
  23. hondjo

    mag jij zijn :^)

    mag jij zijn :^)
  24. hondjo
  25. hondjo

    good luck on getting enforcer

    good luck on getting enforcer
  26. hondjo

    yes please do, i dont feel safe with mexicans outside of my house i adopted my boy...

    yes please do, i dont feel safe with mexicans outside of my house i adopted my boy pablo.jose.hermandez this is why i changed my name to him
  27. hondjo

    go the fuck away or i will barrage you with tacos

    go the fuck away or i will barrage you with tacos
  28. hondjo

    you are a totally fine fellow

    you are a totally fine fellow