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  1. Illuminathan

    Some New Artwork

    Looks really cool!
  2. Illuminathan

    Hey, Remember me?

  3. Illuminathan


    In a shisha bar with 20 hookers on your lap
  4. Illuminathan


    You can always throw a snap if you need me :)
  5. Illuminathan

    CeriEdwardsx on snapchat xx

    Had it too fgt
  6. Illuminathan

    Happy birthday!!

    Happy birthday!!
  7. Illuminathan


    When do I get them?
  8. Illuminathan

    Stfu chocking csgo player ez pz go play mc with me again ezzzz whil playing ermrak dumb song ez

    Stfu chocking csgo player ez pz go play mc with me again ezzzz whil playing ermrak dumb song ez
  9. Illuminathan


    I dislike @Daigestive not sending my nudes when I SPEND SO MUCH TIME CREATING A CREME FRAICHE PICTURE FOR HIM
  10. Illuminathan


    Disliking things mean that you need to dislike the whole community, think again, I'm communist!
  11. Illuminathan


    I was joking but I still love @Brikaas <3
  12. Illuminathan


    and im gay so that works out fine right?
  13. Illuminathan


    Why don't you send such things to me?
  14. Illuminathan

    @Collier - I'm on fire!

    If you're mad about it you can make an IA sir:)
  15. Illuminathan


  16. Illuminathan

    Ar on Tadgee

    Didn't get hit
  17. Illuminathan

    AR on Sophia Hudson

    She's 9 year old, C'mon. I'll talk with her about this.
  18. Illuminathan

    Happy birthday!

    Happy birthday!
  19. Illuminathan

    Ar on Tadgee

    You had a Deagle on you which you tried to shoot us with :p
  20. Illuminathan

    TFU Montage

    1 man killed that was unarmed, the man threw a molotov at a TFU.
  21. Illuminathan

    TFU Montage

    Sorry, it's only 1:07 long but I needed clips. Would be nice with some feedback:)
  22. Illuminathan

    @Collier - I'm on fire!

    You burn down the police department and then throws a molotov on the cops, then expect someone will go over you and smack you in the back with some plastic?
  23. Illuminathan

    How to Playback demo files

    Start up Garry's Mod > Go into demos > Play them > Record using a third party software (Shadowplay etc) > Upload to YT
  24. Illuminathan

    Police vs bats
  25. Illuminathan

    10k that you get moderator tomorrow sire

    10k that you get moderator tomorrow sire
  26. Illuminathan

    Happy birthday potato aimer

    Happy birthday potato aimer
  27. Illuminathan

    I am the best SWAT on DarkRP 2

    Why do we have to see something from a DarkRP server...
  28. Illuminathan

    @Collier - I'm on fire!

    Yes sire