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  1. SomeUser

    Tony Reggitoni

    damn not the flat bed WHAT WILL HE DO NOW Edit NOT $1200 TOO WENDYS BROOOO HES COOKED
  2. SomeUser

    Server Suggestion Making Mushrooms Great Again

    IDK mate u sound like Ur on mushrooms 9 times out of 10 u tell us ;)
  3. SomeUser

    Anyone know when V6 is out

    Ask @peeps
  4. SomeUser


    Ok boys no need too have a domestic over montages whatever brings people joy is all you should really care about
  5. SomeUser

    The true darkside

    The true darkside
  6. SomeUser

    Server Suggestion Making Mushrooms Great Again

    @Scoot whenever he's just crafting needs this
  7. SomeUser


    U did forget btw hahahaha
  8. SomeUser

    Better too come back with a clear head so I don't do something stupid

    Better too come back with a clear head so I don't do something stupid
  9. SomeUser


  10. SomeUser


  11. SomeUser

    England Politics

    Current prime minister
  12. SomeUser

    Server Suggestion loot corpse

    Completely and utterly stupid you have an F6 button too deal with that why don't you use it??
  13. SomeUser

    Account hacked

    Ok well Rouge is right 2FA is great, Use Microsoft auth or google auth (i personally use Microsoft as my ex-workplace used it i just have not stopped using it) If you fell for a phishing link so make sure that you set a new password up thats not the same as the others!
  14. SomeUser

    Account hacked

    Also nate if you dont mind me asking how you even get your account hacked PM me if u want too keep it private as i can give more solid advice then!
  15. SomeUser

    Account hacked

    Update your passwords, Unlink anything that could have been used too get into your account! use too check if anything has been leaked before and just stay safe on the internet u doughnut ;) The porn links got him!!!
  16. SomeUser

    Action Request (Ronnnie)

    On top of that killing someone and having the cops come so you stored you a weapon and on top of all that lied in a AR!
  17. SomeUser

    Action Request (Ronnnie)

    So constantly calling me the R word is ok for you Ok buddy, you do understand that even if your annoyed you can be a decent person and not a complete arsehole! also it was a min tops I refuse too believe it was anything else as I was in the area when shot rung out as in my demo I legit started...
  18. SomeUser

    Action Request (Ronnnie)

    Right so no 911 was made, DNA on body pointed too you, and you stored your gun 1 min after you killed someone as I was legit just around the corner, and your telling me I did not do any investigation, your not a clown your the entire circus, You had ample opportunity too call in self defence you...
  19. SomeUser

    Congrats man!

    Congrats man!
  20. SomeUser

    Congrats man knew u would get helper easy :)

    Congrats man knew u would get helper easy :)
  21. SomeUser

    Action Request (Ronnnie)

    Your Steam Name: SomeUser456 Your Roleplay Name: Tyrone Morris Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:128542935 Player's Steam Name: Ronnnie Player's Roleplay Name: Ronnie Murphy Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:177547090 Why should this player be punished?: The user in question broke character, after...
  22. SomeUser

    Mallardtage no.14

    I promise im not that stupid all the time just 99.99999% of the time
  23. SomeUser

    arrested for no reason

  24. SomeUser

    Staff issue

    Free them bring them back
  25. SomeUser

    A thank you to the community.

    Wish i could have been there brother hope ur doing ok, if u need anything Dm's are always open
  26. SomeUser

    Staff issue

    I feel like the staff team are under a lot of pressure, its like i feel like staff are like not allowed too play the game in a way (I feel like on top of that it not fair on them as they also want too play the game), Helpers don't apply hear as in all honesty helper was easier then most probably...
  27. SomeUser

    Staff issue

  28. SomeUser

    Staff issue

    sorry shooting you in the head seems fun (and is fun)
  29. SomeUser

    Staff issue

    Tyrone morris for enforcer?? Im coping