Search results

  1. Creepis

    new car

    Not sure what exactly you're looking for so here's a bunch of random stuff: Merc CLA 250 Shooting Brake Merc SLK 350 AMG I'm sadly not a BMW guy, ask the other Turkish people, I'm into Merc's and had one for years. Smart #1 (German and Merc but made by Geely/China) VW GTI's are very common in...
  2. Creepis

    Favourite part of Paralake V5?

    Side walls right on the entrance of city hall. Cozy spot for AFK and hiding in general, people rarely check that corner. If its gone in V6 then I know why.
  3. Creepis

    What do you wish for christmas

    bro orders during xmas and wonders why his order takes so long (have fun tho, DT-770 is banger if you don't have a big head)
  4. Creepis


  5. Creepis

    @Nate wtf why did you rate this so late

    @Nate wtf why did you rate this so late
  6. Creepis

    Tier 1 TFU Update Discussion

    This is as close as we will get to the old SWAT system where anyone (with premium) could join and get some powerful guns and armor, good stuff. I do think there should be a limit to Tier 1 TFU and maybe reserve slots for more experienced/higher tier TFUs if possible because these videos aren't...
  7. Creepis


  8. Creepis

    M870 Shotgun Skin + Green tip

    3DCoat. One year subscription, rental or one time purchase. Very expensive so you just need to look at the right place to get it
  9. Creepis

    PERPHeads Community Awards 2024 - Results!

    surprised i even got votes at all, thanks to the 3 whole people who believe in my tech support
  10. Creepis

    Model Suggestion DNA Gun changes

    this is literally just a windows phone on some random holder
  11. Creepis


    Cool but you should definitely not include new player kills and raids in these, they're not very impressive. Not sure why you blur everything too, even the incident reports as cop. 2:26 is questionable tho so uhh good luck if you get a DM.
  12. Creepis

    Server Suggestion Extra Bullet in the chamber

    I can't find the thread where I suggested this back in 2019 or later but apparently this is hell to code/just not worth the time back when Stephen explained it. Maybe also more prone to bugs, this was back when weapons had some ghost reload bugs where they wouldn't fire after reloading. But...
  13. Creepis

    Server Suggestion Foregrip

    I don't think more recoil reduction is necessary. It should maybe give you improved ergonomics like faster passive/attack stance swapping, ADS or other sped up animations to give a small edge.
  14. Creepis

    Should there be a functional parking meter in v6?

    No. I did suggest one for the suburbs storage however because parking there to grab stuff from storage is horrible so go revive this thx
  15. Creepis

    PERPHeads Forums taking too long to load

    Leave it open and do it when there is a slow loading page. It looks like it loaded normally.
  16. Creepis

    PERPHeads Forums taking too long to load

    F12>Performance and show us a screenshot. It should point us towards to what the problem is hopefully.
  17. Creepis

    Server Suggestion Force name change

    Staff shouldn't really need to put in a reason, if they believe the rule in question is broken then simply put a notification somewhere that "A staff member has forcefully changed your name, please check that it complies with Rule 3.1 and try again." when a force rename happens. Any disputes if...
  18. Creepis

    How do you feel about bollards.

    this thing is giving me tetanus just looking at it
  19. Creepis

    Rule Changes - 15/11/2024

    Insane for ACOG which helps with crosshair placement a lot (and the backup sight?) Back then you could quickscope with sniper rifles. They were 100% accurate, even during the scoping in animation so all you needed was a crosshair to make insanely quick snipes.
  20. Creepis

    Rule Changes - 15/11/2024

    I recommend using this proof of concept here
  21. Creepis

    Rule Changes - 15/11/2024

    Yes, I believe I did just say that it doesn't matter that the rule is gone now.
  22. Creepis

    Rule Changes - 15/11/2024

    I think it was a good deterrence when you catched some people slacking in their screenshots or videos. But we all know they're everywhere so I guess it doesn't matter.
  23. Creepis

    Rule Changes - 15/11/2024

    When V6 comes and I return I'll have to use a crosshair too just to keep up with sweats, nice! I know its just about impossible to detect monitor crosshair users but I don't think this is the right step. But if that's what the community wants so be it.
  24. Creepis

    Call of duty 2 crash

    Have you tried searching for your issue? There is an answer on the Microsoft help desk. You need to use a crack to play the game as anything above Windows 10 is broken due to 64 bit OS breaking things and other stuff...
  25. Creepis

    Freezing every few seconds

    His game is rendering fine. Check the net_graph as it is still updating, this issue is internet related. I sometimes had these stutters but they lasted a solid 3 seconds instead. It could be wrong network settings in your Garry's Mod or some weird routing issue to your ISP. Disable your...
  26. Creepis

    Buying headphones/iem

    I wouldn't recommend using IEMs for gaming unless you really need to. I replaced my Moondrop Aria with the Truthear Hexa, the Aria were too fatiguing during gaming sessions and had a really sharp pain for certain gunshots (in Doom). The Hexa's also fit way better for me. For eartips I recommend...
  27. Creepis

    Is my computer fucked?

    Dual BIOS. If main chip gets corrupted you can recover using the 2nd chip. BIOS updates today come with a lot of security fixes and microcode updates necessary for installing new CPUs or even improving performance. They're not that nerve wrecking, just let your PC do its own thing and just...
  28. Creepis

    Is my computer fucked?

    I know we're out of options but you could try installing your NVME drive in the slot below your RAM. I'm not sure if it has enough clearance so be careful. It could be a broken NVME port, who knows! or drive?
  29. Creepis


  30. Creepis

    Buying secondhand gaming laptop

    Unironically a Steam Deck. The specs are unbeatable for the price and I'm sure there are a lot on the used market. ...problem is bringing a keyboard or even a monitor if you need it. My suggestions are Dell or Lenovo (Legion) laptops. You didn't give us any mad specifications or requirements...