Search results

  1. Creepis

    Event Suggestion Mass shooter/hide and shoot event

    I think it would be better if we just turned this into prop hunt instead lol
  2. Creepis

    If you could unban someone from the community who would it be?

    You're the Head Admin just do it bro
  3. Creepis

    Laptop for Perp

    I honestly am not up to date on current laptop lineups but as a general rule of thumb right now: Get AMD, efficiency helps with battery but they're also generally cooler and better. Consider a laptop cooler, the summer will fuck you up and some coolers legit work. Lenovo Legion 5 seems very...
  4. Creepis

    weapon disassemble and reassemble without work bench?

    To be fair back when the OTs-33 only required plastic and polymer to be crafted I expected the same result. But sadly the metal detectors still went off even with no magazine in them. If I remember right some weapons could be crafted without a workbench (back then you used stoves). So you could...
  5. Creepis

    Exiled Mafia's Surprise Party

    I am fully convinced that this person plays on 4:3 what the hell was that shit
  6. Creepis


  7. Creepis


  8. Creepis

    created a perp reddit

    do you see the mistake now
  9. Creepis

    Where do you go on vacation

    Yeah and I'm still gonna go back there almost every year. While I don't have the Turkish nationality any more and wouldn't want to live or work there for many reasons there are still nice places in Turkey to spend your holiday. But that's also because we put in a lot of time and effort for our...
  10. Creepis


  11. Creepis


  12. Creepis

    @cummy glizzy gobbler eat shit dumbass

    @cummy glizzy gobbler eat shit dumbass
  13. Creepis


  14. Creepis

    good morning my brother

    good morning my brother
  15. Creepis

    premiums so cheap

    100K is cheap? where has the time with 70K for Premium gone to...
  16. Creepis

    Opinion on pirating

    it's criminal at this point I do realize that BO6 is coming to the game pass but this is still very stupid
  17. Creepis

    Opinion on pirating

    Haven't pirated a single game ever since I had an income. Some pirated games are worth it to get rid of DRM like Denuvo to improve performance if all you play is single player. They can be resource hogs. You should pirate if there are old games you can't acquire anymore, games that don't have...
  18. Creepis

    happy birthday hazzaa

    happy birthday hazzaa
  19. Creepis

    happy late birthday

    happy late birthday
  20. Creepis

    Sleep or Power Off

    i think you should include neither has an option there are mfer's who never turn off their PC and then come to me for help asking why their PC is running like shit, when we investigate the CPU uptime in task manager is when we find out that they're lost like no way dude have you tried actually...
  21. Creepis

    Windows 10 or Windows 11?

    idk why everyone seems to hate on Windows 11 almost anywhere I read, it's fine and you may encounter issues as with any other install. I suggest doing a clean install instead of upgrading from 10 to 11. I have to use 11 because of my oled hdr monitor and autohdr (I use nvidia rtx hdr now) for...
  22. Creepis

    I'm just wondering

    You're wrong. It's for crouch jumping according to the warning given on your record Via the rules (3.3) it's written that it should prevent people from doing erratic movements during combat, jumping could be one of them if combined with something like a sprint to peek into a room or continuous...
  23. Creepis

    anyone got good autoexc for fps for 1920x1080

    (they're lying unless they're playing on gm_flatgrass)
  24. Creepis

    Server Suggestion Recoil scales with sensitivity

    I'm not sure how this is an issue? You can shoot straight and have good recoil control as long as you're trained with whatever sensitivity you're playing on. It's not hard to control recoil and it certainly is no longer an issue with marksmanship being no longer a thing, just don't full auto...
  25. Creepis

    PARALAKE V6 TRAILER / PERPheads 11 year anniversary

    May is a mighty month.
  26. Creepis

    PARALAKE V6 TRAILER / PERPheads 11 year anniversary

    V6 before GTA 6, the timeline is saved. May is the mightiest month. Map and teaser look insane, the wait was well worth it.
  27. Creepis

    I go to Gelsenkirchen for Paintball, my life is ruined as well..

    I go to Gelsenkirchen for Paintball, my life is ruined as well..
  28. Creepis

    [IMG] Wtf man

    Wtf man
  29. Creepis

    before i forget guitar cover

    everything after 2:33 I fuck with so hard, keep going man it's awesome
  30. Creepis

    Rule Suggestion (4.4 Road Crew Workers)

    I don't think they should have more power as is. There is no real organisation structure as fleshed out as the PD within Roadcrew except for some ranks, if there are any issues or complaints it would be up to the Police to handle with misbehaving roadcrew workers enforcing traffic laws. They...