Search results

  1. Creepis

    PC Crashing after playing for 2+ Minutes

    I literally don't know. If only Gmod crashes then its a faulty install or config.
  2. Creepis


  3. Creepis

    Canadian Swift [IMG]

    Canadian Swift
  4. Creepis

    oh yeah i should mention that on my superlight 2 the battery is actually worse. I need to...

    oh yeah i should mention that on my superlight 2 the battery is actually worse. I need to recharge every other week or so or with heavy use every 3-4 days 4K polling rate reduces even more battery life
  5. Creepis

    pretty good imo, will get the job done. should be similar to superlight

    pretty good imo, will get the job done. should be similar to superlight
  6. Creepis

    ANTI-LEGACY Montage

  7. Creepis

    G Pro is also good alternative and is maybe cheaper. I used this one before. Please don't get...

    G Pro is also good alternative and is maybe cheaper. I used this one before. Please don't get anything bulky like a G502. I used them before and never looked back once I made the switch to wireless+light mice. character limit
  8. Creepis

    I've been using the Superlight 2 for about 6 months now, works fine and is what you'd expect...

    I've been using the Superlight 2 for about 6 months now, works fine and is what you'd expect from Superlight 1 but with a few improvements including usb-c and 4K polling rate. Although I had to dissasemble it and clean the mousewheel as it accumulated dirt which made the scrollwheel cancer to...
  9. Creepis

    GOAT Talk

    Close, it should be HK416 instead. But 417 is fine too, this guy likes their caliber large.
  10. Creepis

    Favourite year

    2016 and possibly through 2017 as that's when I got Admin. Pretty fun lads all around but nothing will beat the times with the Academy Teamspeak channel with everyone hanging out, that was the best.
  11. Creepis


  12. Creepis

    keep doxxing kid

    keep doxxing kid
  13. Creepis


  14. Creepis


  15. Creepis

    raus aus meiner stadt [IMG]

    raus aus meiner stadt
  16. Creepis

    Model Suggestion add a wheelie bin prop

    Back in 2021 the content pack had (still has?) this comically oversized wheelie bin, I'm sure this suggestion can be accepted fairly quickly if this is fixed with some proper textures and some scaling down.
  17. Creepis

    dog's enforcer application

    i'm still here the fuck am i being remembered for
  18. Creepis

    Ask our perpheads veterans questions (or come say hi :)

    average olsen rank name
  19. Creepis

    Fallout on Amazon Prime

    Finished it today. It's pretty good and felt exciting throughout each episode and I'm glad they kept the focus on the vaults. The one teaser they shared gave me a bad first impression though, it is the cringiest part of the series and should've picked something else. Small spoilers from EP2...
  20. Creepis

    Server Suggestion Shops and rule suggestion

    sorry I didn't boost the PH Discord I got it from here :laughcry: the fuck does it look like now though
  21. Creepis

    Server Suggestion Shops and rule suggestion

    Already implemented This would be easily be circumvented by putting things up for sale along your casino business. If you think someone isn't using their business shop and keeping it empty with no items for sale (or doing no business) you can make a report to get it forcefully sold. I believe...
  22. Creepis

    CM Efan is scarier, change my mind congrats dude

    CM Efan is scarier, change my mind congrats dude
  23. Creepis

    What animes yous watching

    I'm watching Apothecary Diaries at the moment and it's pretty good. Jinshi is my god, my shining sun. just make sure not to read Dog Ningen
  24. Creepis

    selling cheese pizza haha april fools

    selling cheese pizza haha april fools
  25. Creepis

    @Eistee von Aldi I beg you to do this in-game and call the police on people who park like this

    @Eistee von Aldi I beg you to do this in-game and call the police on people who park like this
  26. Creepis

    ich kann nicht mehr haha

    ich kann nicht mehr haha
  27. Creepis

    er hat sich vor kurzen fallen lassen nach dem er leicht berührt wurde (CLS wurde auch...

    er hat sich vor kurzen fallen lassen nach dem er leicht berührt wurde (CLS wurde auch beschädigt) ich liebe diesen mann (mein post ist satire und dient zur unterhaltungszwecken und der meinungsfreiheit)
  28. Creepis
  29. Creepis

    fake fan boooo

    fake fan boooo