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  1. Josef Stalin


  2. Josef Stalin


    you remind me of this guy
  3. Josef Stalin


    you a professional csgo player without a doubt
  4. Josef Stalin


    do you sell crack by any chance?
  5. Josef Stalin


    you look like jesse pinkman with some extra pounds
  6. Josef Stalin


  7. Josef Stalin


    Your anti communist threats won't work anymore sir
  8. Josef Stalin

    If you had the chance....

    you provided no reason reee
  9. Josef Stalin

    Please help!

  10. Josef Stalin

    PERPHeads Staff Team Christmas Giveaway

    Hey guys would love to win
  11. Josef Stalin

    Wiki’s Christmas giveaway

    hey something
  12. Josef Stalin

    What would you like changed?

    Decrease the price of weapons, Nerf TFU Fix the fishing stuff (Its more profitable to fish then to grow drugs, how unrealistic can it be) Fix the clothing system, because its strange to wear a suit without an undershirt and it looks very ugly
  13. Josef Stalin

    PERPHeads Community Awards 2018

    Thanks bro, but 2018 was not my best year
  14. Josef Stalin

    What is perpnet

    guys seriously come on i only asked for one simple explanation
  15. Josef Stalin

    What is perpnet

    See all the perphead ladies bitching on perpnet. What is it and why do we hate it? I’m guessing its like melonstick
  16. Josef Stalin

    When people being aids

    found another one
  17. Josef Stalin

    When people being aids

    ^ (Pasta tactics always worked)
  18. Josef Stalin

    How can we save Criminal RP?

    Thank you friend
  19. Josef Stalin

    Helper Rank and Helper Requests

    To be honest with you, i dont feel like this is needed that badly. Experienced players can already help people on /help and i see this happening all the time. What point is there to add a whole new rank to fulfill a purpose that is already being fulfilled. Its just gonna be a tryhard rank that...
  20. Josef Stalin

    SWAT van being used as a weapon still? And more PD Foul Play?

    Don't you mean "get away"? ;)
  21. Josef Stalin

    Update Log - 26/11/2018

    Why didn't you get senior admin any sooner?
  22. Josef Stalin

    Update Log - 11/11/2018

    I made a really shitty paint reconstruction of what my lab looked like it was at morons (the barrels with a red cross exploded & the flipped ones are not marked)
  23. Josef Stalin

    Update Log - 11/11/2018

    Today i tried to do meth since i still had a shit ton uncooked. I followed your advise placing down 3 meth per stove. in total i had 6 stoves each stove containing 3 meth. so 6 x 3 = 18 meth. I placed them down next to the stoves (not on top or anything) and on each side of the stove 1 meth...