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  1. John Doe

    Cant join the server anymore? [SOLVED]

    A video setting: Color Correction needs to be enable.
  2. John Doe

    Cant join the server anymore? [SOLVED]

    I join the server and when the loading is done, the game just close. Nothing else happends, no window with a message or anything.
  3. John Doe

    Cant join the server anymore? [SOLVED]

    I cant join the server anymore, i have never got a problem with this before. I just tried to boost my fps, by using this as launch options: -high -threads 1 -nod3d9ex +mat_antialias 0 +mat_antialias 0 and wrote this in my autoexec.cfg -mat_picmip 4 r_lod 0 snd_noextraupdate 1 I have tried...
  4. John Doe

    Good Fellas

    Later on there will be a link for a photo gallery here!
  5. John Doe

    Good Fellas

    Click on this text to make a application
  6. John Doe

    Good Fellas - application

    ic name: ooc name: Irl age: Where are you from: Playtime: What car/cars: How much money: Firearms skill: Lockpick skill: Do you have any weapons to protect your self: Why do you wanna join: What can you offer:
  7. John Doe

    Los Zetas (Closed)

    Why deleted?? And if we not are joining any other org, then i will start a new one, and all old Loz Zetos member can join!
  8. John Doe

    Shop Signs

    +Support on sign! really needed for many things!
  9. John Doe


    +Support make it more like a heist, you have to do some more then just lockpick a door and point a gun. Like if it were possible to make a basement in the bank, then you have to run in like take everybody inside the bank as hostage, then wait about 1-5 min wile you are hacking the bank security...
  10. John Doe

    Show your inventory

    sorry my mistake! will not happend again
  11. John Doe

    Show your inventory

    Just thinking for muggin and when the cops wants to search you. Then you should be able to click a button, and a window will open. where you can accept or deny him to look in your inventory. Just thinking, this could be really helpful for the police, cause many players fail when they have to...
  12. John Doe

    Free movement in your storage

  13. John Doe

    The Organization is closed

    If you want to be Allies, we prefer you contact us ingame.
  14. John Doe

    Paralake Cartel

    OOC Name: IC Name: Irl age: Vip: Cars: What can u craft: How Many Money: How much play time: How active you are on the server: Do you have a microphone:
  15. John Doe

    The Organization is closed

    Paralake Cartel This is just a quick one, will be updated photo share Drug Lords: Dimitri Brazinski Mustafa Mandela Co-Bosses: Erik Bunion Business Men: Soilders: Joe Liebgott James Jackson Vincent Wright Charles Fox Thugs: What We Do Do Meth Do Plants Do Shrooms Raiding and...
  16. John Doe

    The Hampsure's Applications

    In-Game Name : Mohammed Trapani (Normaly Mohammed Abdul) In-Game Age : 26 Why do you want to be part of The Hampsure's? : Im sick and tired of being alone in this big city. Its hard to get to the top when you are on your own. Either criminels raids or mugs you, or else the cops storm your...
  17. John Doe

    The Paralake Partnership - Application

    In-Game Name: Mohammed Abdul Character's backstory: I was a soilder for freedom in the middle east, Im one of the few there want pease. But after many years of battle. I decided there was no hope. Every where i went, was a big war zone. So for now on, my home country will be in my past. I have...
  18. John Doe


    Do u know where the most of the the worlds heroin comes from? The middle east. Mostly from Afghanistan. what do u think supports Taliban and Al qaeda
  19. John Doe

    The Trapani applications

    Your Steam name: gottlieb94 Your In-game name: Mohammed Abdul Bank balance: 120k In game total time: 1day. But ive played on so many perp server trough the year. so i got alot off experience [x] I accept The Trapani Economy
  20. John Doe

    The Paralake Partnership - Application

    In-Game Name: Mohammed Abdul Character's backstory: I was a soilder for freedom in the middle east, Im one of the few there want pease. But after many years of battle. I decided there was no hope. Every where i went, was a big war zone. So for now on, my home country will be in my past. I have...
  21. John Doe


    Sorry typing a little fast here- -Could u maybe delete the comments lol
  22. John Doe


    ill delet it
  23. John Doe


    Steam Account name: In-game Name: Your age in real life: Total play time on this server: How much experience with the perp mod do you have: - have played on any other perp server? Do u have any kinds of weapon Are you a donator: Do u have a car: -wich one? [Why do u want to join:
  24. John Doe


    The Pissed off Muslims Brand New Org. I can start to explain, whats the plan for this org. Im a well experienced perp player, and i need people like me. I dont care if you are new on this server, you just need to have some knowledge about perp. What im thinking we will do mostly, is to farm...