Search results

  1. Eistee von Aldi

    Server Suggestion Paintbrush (Colourable Props)

    personally I support this idea because it add more presonalization:woot:
  2. Eistee von Aldi

    Action Request (walle)

    Your Steam Name: Eistee von Aldi Your Roleplay Name: Nicholas Nobbers Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:590796330 Player's Steam Name: walle Player's Roleplay Name: Rally Robban Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:167675690 Why should this player be punished?: 2.5 3.4 Ran me over for literally no reason with no...
  3. Eistee von Aldi

    created a perp reddit

    increased bot traffic by 800% just by mentioning that website here
  4. Eistee von Aldi


  5. Eistee von Aldi


  6. Eistee von Aldi

    THE PARALAKE INDEPENDENT newspaper - August 2024

    I present you the August issue of The Paralake Independent newspaper. credits: Author:Omar Abu-Almani@Eistee von Aldi Editor:Stefan Bachmeier@Skudist Photography:Simon Bendetti John Bendetti@HuskyD0G @John Bendetti
  7. Eistee von Aldi

    Bazzar Beauty

    looks like a place where you go and bring 50€ and leave after 30min
  8. Eistee von Aldi

    Question about Yoghurto

    if greece gets another financial crisis the pub is sold you can buy it at bank grow weed there
  9. Eistee von Aldi

    Where do you go on vacation

    Turkey is a amazing country for tourism, it's a beautiful with great food and very affordable. Also it's a huge place with like 50 different races, from white gingers to asian looking people, dont miss out on Turkey because you read something on reddit
  10. Eistee von Aldi

    Pink forum theme

    Thanks, but what the community really needs is a albania theme
  11. Eistee von Aldi

    Rule Changes and 3.4 poll - 28/07/2024

    thats a horrible example. Wielding meele weapon around when mutlitple rifles are gping you is literally what tmac got banned for, which admin would not ban for 3.4 in that situation
  12. Eistee von Aldi

    Server Suggestion Online Contacts

    On android and iphones it also shows you on the built in messaging apps
  13. Eistee von Aldi

    Server Suggestion Online Contacts

    We are literally using smartphones with internet in game. Not only should it show you if someone is online, it should also show you when they were last online, like on whatsapp (less that 1min, <5min <1hour <day etc...) However this should only work if you both have each other saved as contacts
  14. Eistee von Aldi

    i dont know if this is the right place but when can your windows be shot throughts

    Yes glass windows are penetrable, only some of them (e.g. hicktown windows or puffer mart front) break, different glass, like at city hall, needs higher calibre of ammo to penetrate
  15. Eistee von Aldi

    Rule Changes and 3.4 poll - 28/07/2024

    1) hide in forrest/DD location with nothing but a phone 2) if you see armed people show up, call cops on them 3) if they evade cops report for 3.4, because they risked their life/freedom over illegal transportion charges I call it "drug dealer camper camping"
  16. Eistee von Aldi

    Server Suggestion Drop illegals on death

    right now you only drop equipped items and nothing else from your inventory when you die
  17. Eistee von Aldi

    perpheads montage 1

    This is a good montage. I see no big quality or content difference betwen this and the other montages posted recently.
  18. Eistee von Aldi

    Server Suggestion Respawn for mission

    I think the mission needs a renew anyway. Currently the sweaters are shown some controls and then need to buy a property to continue. Due to availability/cost they always pick hicktown. Then half of them walk there by foot for 30min, a lot also get robbed.
  19. Eistee von Aldi

    Event winners and questions.

    Simon says :vomit::yawn:
  20. Eistee von Aldi

    Action Request (hup)

    Your Steam Name: Eistee von Aldi Your Roleplay Name: Omar Abu-Almani Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:590796330 Player's Steam Name: hup Player's Roleplay Name: Nick Cyan Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:588158020 Why should this player be punished?: 2.5 3.4 3.15 3.22 steering into oncoming traffic‎...
  21. Eistee von Aldi

    THE PARALAKE INDEPENDENT newspaper - July 2024

    you're a conspiracy theorist
  22. Eistee von Aldi

    THE PARALAKE INDEPENDENT newspaper - July 2024

    I present you our new newspaper: The Paralake Independent. Bringing you Paralake's most unbiased news Special Thanks to my editor @HuskyD0G
  23. Eistee von Aldi

    For the rewards

    It still counts as a post and you'll get the mp5k, however this was meant for the welcome section on the forum:
  24. Eistee von Aldi

    EU timeslot @Aquaa

    EU timeslot @Aquaa
  25. Eistee von Aldi

    213 | Christina Jones

    I think they should get builder award, this is setting new standard for how two-story builds could look like
  26. Eistee von Aldi


    Personally I am very excited for Qawferz aka. Nicholas Mobbers return to Perpheads once v6 releases Over the last couple days I've been talking to many members of the community, including many current and former staff members, who told me that they completely share this sentiment, and are...
  27. Eistee von Aldi


  28. Eistee von Aldi

    ur welcome alwys donig me best

    ur welcome alwys donig me best
  29. Eistee von Aldi

    Netherlands Vs England Prediction give away 100K

    0-1 England in a horrible borefest that will leave fans enraged
  30. Eistee von Aldi

    Driving on the left in Paralake City (Quick map edit)

    Here is a great idea: make the first car you ever drive on the sever have the wheel on the wrong side