Search results

  1. Eistee von Aldi


    could be amazing staff if he work on his attitute. very active and experienced admin solid 6/10
  2. Eistee von Aldi

    PARALAKE V6 TRAILER / PERPheads 11 year anniversary

    6 o clock is footy time :rage:
  3. Eistee von Aldi

    Action Request (Jack)

    Your Steam Name: Eistee von Aldi Your Roleplay Name: Omar Abu-Almani Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:590796330 Player's Steam Name: Jack Player's Roleplay Name: James Car Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:167994834 Why should this player be punished?: very odd behaviour by this player in the silver AMG E63...
  4. Eistee von Aldi

    EM 24 predictions

    is this true?
  5. Eistee von Aldi


    Maia can (and will) just change how leveling and org balance works overnight making it worthless. I offer sausage roll and one half empty bottle Fanta ( i didnt touch bottlehead with lips )
  6. Eistee von Aldi

    EM 24 predictions

    Wanna hear your predicitions. How do you feel about the possibility of a all-german EM finale in Berlin
  7. Eistee von Aldi

    Hello Perp

  8. Eistee von Aldi

    Action Request (oStarii)

    Your Steam Name: Eistee von Aldi Your Roleplay Name: Omar Abu-Almani Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:590796330 Player's Steam Name: oStarii Player's Roleplay Name: Terrance Wyatt Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:160071366 Why should this player be punished?: 2.5 3.15 After realizing all the cars...
  9. Eistee von Aldi

    Making a return

    Hello welcome back to the community! We hope you used your time carefully to read up on the rules: If you have any questions regarding 1.6 or 3.2 let me know.
  10. Eistee von Aldi


  11. Eistee von Aldi

    Bug Report (Winning premium resets prop limit)

    Type of Bug: Content Description of the Bug: Winning premium resets prop limit How to reproduce the Bug: Media:
  12. Eistee von Aldi


  13. Eistee von Aldi

    Solo city travels

    As a Europe expert I reccomend staying in this zone. The further you move out in any direction, the less civilized it becomes
  14. Eistee von Aldi


  15. Eistee von Aldi


  16. Eistee von Aldi


    We're currently on vacation
  17. Eistee von Aldi

    very photogenic [IMG]

    very photogenic
  18. Eistee von Aldi

    hey guys asian demon is back

    I have decyphed your secret message
  19. Eistee von Aldi

    Server Suggestion Damage players in seats

    tl:dr? i dont understand why this turned into bazaar vs crim argument if someone breaks 3.4 and/or plays unrealistic with a chair just report them. how does this validate a change that might negatively affect ppl
  20. Eistee von Aldi

    Server Suggestion Damage players in seats

    and you can report them for breaking 3.4 or playing unrealistically getting rdm is more common. it should stay as it is
  21. Eistee von Aldi


  22. Eistee von Aldi

    Tyson Cu- I mean Hunt

    2.6 Reporting a Rule-Breaker If it is believed that another player has broken a rule, the report function (F6 key on your keyboard) is expected to be used to inform an Administrator.
  23. Eistee von Aldi

    Who the best player in perp?

    I dont know but I advocate for disqualification from awards if you cheated, metagamed or were too toxic that year
  24. Eistee von Aldi

    PERPHEADS | What's left... Montage #3 (Leonardo Snow)

    you misspelt "last montage"