Search results

  1. MalekIsWeird

    Server Suggestion Surrender Mission

    Suggestion Title: Surrender Mission Suggestion Description: A mission that teaches that when under gunpoint that a player should surrender and takes the new player step by step on how to hold C and surrender. Why should this be added?: - teach new player about surrendering - lessen 3.4 cases...
  2. MalekIsWeird

    Server Suggestion Addition to Controls guide

    Put ya hands up the aya like you rly don’t caya!
  3. MalekIsWeird

    Community Interest in Updates

    Let's remove the ability to trade guns, cash, property, drugs and meds cause we can't prove RMT happened or didn't. :wideyed:
  4. MalekIsWeird

    Server Suggestion Addition to Controls guide

    Suggestion Title: Addition to Controls guide Suggestion Description: Add a text that says "Hold C to surrender." at the bottom right for new players with that the controls guide there. Why should this be added?: -  Stop players from using that excuse when gunpointed - Guide new players on how...
  5. MalekIsWeird

    Community Interest in Updates

    While I believe cars are fine as they are, I'd still really like to see them get more focus in development. New cars are an obvious request, but personally I really want to: 1) Be able to trade cars between players for their cars or money. 2) Reworking the upgrade system for cars because...
  6. MalekIsWeird

    Server Suggestion Reserved Slots for Chief Paramedics

    Chiefs shouldn't be able to stop new players from playing the job but if they get an extra slot no one can access except them that's cool.
  7. MalekIsWeird

    Server Suggestion WANTED Spawn

    Would that be fair to a wanted player to spawn city hall and be immediately arrested, but now unarmed and defenseless? I can't think of a flawless way but I do believe the compromise of there possibly being punish-able exploiters who metagame the spawn mechanic is a better alternative to the...
  8. MalekIsWeird

    Server Suggestion WANTED Spawn

    Suggestion Title: WANTED Spawn Suggestion Description: If you are wanted and you are connecting to the server. You should spawn at a random DD Location that is NOT currently the active DD location. Why should this be added?: - Stops cops from powergaming the spawn at city hall and arresting...
  9. MalekIsWeird

    I need YOUR opinion on something

    MY opinion? :jawdrop: Double bomb raid, mug every goer
  10. MalekIsWeird

    Police Suggestion Police Clothing My completed suggestion asked for a toggle.
  11. MalekIsWeird

    Server Suggestion Drug Quality

    Absolutely man, Having nothing to grind for is really what makes players like me play less and less until we don't hop on the server at all cause we got nothing left to accomplish.
  12. MalekIsWeird

    Server Suggestion Drug Quality

    Ultimately it's up to developers. I only gave 5 levels to go off of as a simple reference to help devs. The mention of 8 levels earlier was to make a point about lockpicking.
  13. MalekIsWeird

    Server Suggestion Drug Quality

    For the sake of argument I can say three things on that 1) A new player is not going to be upset so much about this because they are new. Progressing in drug growth at first for them is about the experience more than the money, so the honeymoon phase will be over by the time they're pretty...
  14. MalekIsWeird

    Server Suggestion Drug Quality

    I understand your points and they're totally valid. This is precisely why I specified that i was "throwing out an idea to go off of," I am communicating that the concept is up to the community to shape to what works and for the devs to consider if they want. It's not about it being remotely...
  15. MalekIsWeird

    Server Suggestion Drug Quality

    Suggestion Title: Drug Quality Suggestion Description: skill of drug production is introduced. Drugs produced now will have a description that indicates the quality of the drug. Quality of percentage is consistent with the current prices of drugs as we know it: Weed is still 150$ Cocaine is...
  16. MalekIsWeird

    PLPD Online Suggestion Interim Sergeancy

    Suggestion Title: Interim SGT Suggestion Description: When Ex-SGTs who are CPL or less with a good record are on duty while no supervisors are on duty, they are temporarily granted the powers to Warrant individuals for murder DNA (or other warrant-able reasonable reasons) and are granted the DNA...
  17. MalekIsWeird

    Server Suggestion Stolen Vehicle Insurance

    funny question. what about law wise, is it illegal to drive without insured vehicle?
  18. MalekIsWeird

    Model Suggestion Adidas Tracksuit

    Suggestion Title: Adidas Tracksuit Suggestion Description: Add the adidas tracksuit and make the black part colorable while keeping the white lines constant or making them colorable too. Why should this be added?: - Looks good - Fashion choice - More diverse fashion options - Cheeky breeky -...
  19. MalekIsWeird

    Refund Request (MalekIsWeird)

    Your Steam Name: MalekIsWeird Your Roleplay Name: Omar Asfour Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:137872891 Reason for Request: I lost $5,000 and had my time wasted by a corrupt cop that might as well have been going for the world record of how many misconducts can you do in under 5 minutes. All I ask...
  20. MalekIsWeird

    Skin showcase

    looks like some grandma's home wallpaper from the 90s
  21. MalekIsWeird

    Community Interest in Updates

    One thing I'd want which I couldn't list because its unique is the ability to trade cars for money between players or car for car. People trade everything in this game, even things worth millions but they can't trade cars which is unfortunate and should be allowed in my opinion.
  22. MalekIsWeird

    Server Suggestion Binocular Sound

    Suggestion Title: Binocular Sound Suggestion Description: Binoculars make too loud of a sound when focused and unfocused. It's unrealistic to have such a loud sound cue for something like this. Why should this be added?: - Realism - Fixing weird audio - Binoculars already need some...
  23. MalekIsWeird

    Community Interest in Updates

    Share your opinion on what you believe is the next thing YOU would love to see added, elaborate if you want.
  24. MalekIsWeird

    Police Suggestion Light TFU model change.

    Thank you for clarifying, I was actually a bit confused on that part but I still support the suggestion nevertheless.
  25. MalekIsWeird

    Police Suggestion Light TFU model change.

    my long sleeves suggestion hit the streets harder than meth after leaderboard wipe. I really like this idea but I feel like people will eventually get sick of something and want another then want the initial thing back after being bored. It’s best to give them a choice and let people customize...
  26. MalekIsWeird

    Server Suggestion Show org roles for rivals

    Before I think of if I’m for or against, I need better pros than “I want to bully low ranks”
  27. MalekIsWeird

    What is your most succesful raid

    I can't recall to be honest. Respectfully, I know people take roleplay to heart however only SPEAKING OOC HERE, but me and Aloo had a phase where we duo raided Salamanca or Death Hounds non-stop so every raid was huge profit. One time we hit Salamanca Regals 5 and walked out after fighting...
  28. MalekIsWeird

    Model Suggestion Visual Injury

    Thanks for everyone's constructive feedback. I understand the reasons against the sound part, while I personally still believe a sound feedback from sprinting / jumping while only majorly injured or worse is a balanced feature, I can clearly see that being beneficial to raiders or police when...
  29. MalekIsWeird

    Model Suggestion Visual Injury

    Naturally if you’re hurt you are punished by being slowed, bled and such. Seems to me like the playing field is equal. Defenders, police or raiders are able to capitalize here on the information. If you aren’t majorly injured you don’t suffer the consequences of your blunders. Can you...
  30. MalekIsWeird

    Model Suggestion Visual Injury

    Suggestion Title: Visual Injury Suggestion Description: Make it so that at least the character has blood all over their body or some other form of indicator to EMS that when they are severely injured or not fully healthy. Additionally, there could be alternative groaning sounds that produce...