no, he deserves the reaction score by the same people for each project.
You don't mind when e-sport players post 30 montages of kill comps with rap songs but he's being creative and releasing skins for the community, let him be.
isn't the absurdity of it a supporting argument for why it was added to begin with?
Mayor's aren't supposed to only roleplay how YOU want them to and help you turn a roleplay into a money simulator. They can be tyrants who wage absurd taxes and give chase to those disinterested in his/her...
How much effort are we talking here?
All I need is:
+ color grading
+ transitions
+ effects
+ overlays
+ cropping
+ zooming
+ sound effects
+ intro
+ outro
+ mid-roll ads
A suggestion I made was denied before for just being able to unload the rounds in your mags.
It doesn’t seem like more gun mechanic realism is a focus rn
GP if it’s that annoying just add an option to silence it but make it on by default. People been asking for a way to silence your phone text notifications for a while now but if you really can’t take one more thing pinging then make it exclusively the PBC sound alert.
Even with no sound, as...
it shouldn’t be just a normal indistinguishable notification sound like your phone getting texted though because that’s not noticeable enough or unique. It should be its own unique sound and something more bold to emphasize it.
PBC is basically an equivalent to an AMBER alert. In america, anytime an AMBER is sent out phones begin ringing. So it’s like cops having the 211 Alpha sound emit from them when banks robbed except it’s a beep or some sound to indicate attention that can emit from players carrying phones.
I'm curious on the perspective of Dispatcher mains or ex-dispatchers, so I really have to ask:
1) Is being dispatcher fun for dispatcher plays?
2) do you guys actually make good money doing the job?
3) Is there a role you despise playing versus one you love doing as dispatcher out of the...
Suggestion Title: Enhanced unarmed combat
Suggestion Description: Right click still pushes, but middle mouse blocks.
Being struck while blocking takes stamina and damages you way less than without blocking.
If guardbroken by being pushed while blocking, players stagger for a second leaving...
That’s a great point
Tbf defenders already get to use up to 3 spotlights to blind attackers on single entrance, this is essentially a spotlight attachment.
actually the inspiration for why I support this so much. It makes the game feel more tactical, immersive and tricky. I'd love to see this added so the attachment isn't just a aesthetic. We got a use for the flash hider, this deserves it too!
Suggestion Title: Flashlight blinding
Suggestion Description: If possible, make flashlight attachments to weapons have a more intense glow that makes it harder to see if shined directly at the player.
Why should this be added?:
- give the attachment a valid and real use beyond aesthetic
This suggestion is another try or an add on to hopefully make the map space more used up instead of single purpose like how pub is just for drill right now. @Goonsberg asking for a fruity and for my other one tried this before
Talk about missing the point, when people can:
1)couriers can visit
2) projex can visit
3) bazaar people can visit
4) Morons can visit
5) They can stay, hang out
6) buy Cooked fish (superior food to any other)
7) fish at docks or sell their fish for higher than Poissons.
8) bank robbers can...
I never contested that bazaar bollards are necessary or good, if anything I made statements multiple times that indicate that I agree those bollards are good.
But in terms of slums for example; I don’t believe Being run over will result in death in most cases.
I must reiterate, the speed at...
Suggestion Title: Pub Worker
Suggestion Description: NPCS sit down on the tables of empty chairs.
The worker’s job is to use the raw fish that Poissons supplies to cook a meal.
Different customers will request different fish, some may request different beverages.
Producing a drink requires...
1) Drivers wanting to evade cops who are aware of these maneuvers to begin with are most likely experienced, making it less likely they would injure bystanders.
2) Drivers are completely responsible for executing each maneuver with complete care and awareness
3) Assuming accidents happen, and...