Search results

  1. Fryes


  2. Fryes


  3. Fryes

    Tack och nae det ska jag inte

    Tack och nae det ska jag inte
  4. Fryes


  5. Fryes


  6. Fryes

    RR On fully loaded AK47 and 2 large weed pots

    As this was not a server sided crash, this RR will not get accepted
  7. Fryes

    Recommending @TheVin And Gustavo smith.

    Thank you. This means a lot for me and it was great helping you out.
  8. Fryes

    Gratz on enforcer Hayden

    Gratz on enforcer Hayden
  9. Fryes

    Selling/Buying Premium

  10. Fryes

    Merryweather Security applications

    (IC section) Full name: Gustavo Smith Age: 32 Nationality: Sweden Do you have any car/other vehicle: Lamborghini Miura and a Mini Cooper 1965 Are you experienced with firearms: Yes i am Why do you want to join this organisation: I´ve been searching for a organisation that is willing to...
  11. Fryes


    Bye Tom. Sad to see you go but i hope you will come back some day:(
  12. Fryes


    All he did was to try to stay alive. He took his gun out because your friend shot him once. -SUPPORT If someone is under gunpoint and someone starts shooting towards him he can ignore the gunpoint and return fire.
  13. Fryes

    Goodbye, or bad bye.

    Bye Pusheen. Sad to see you go :(
  14. Fryes

    Yet another giveaway (Tomb Raider)

    Always worth a try ;)
  15. Fryes

    A legend

    Welcome back Manner :)
  16. Fryes

    Christmas giveaway

    Name: Fryes Steam link: Why do you want to win? It would be awesome to get a nice christmas present. Merry Christmas!
  17. Fryes

    I'm back and I'm staying!

    Welcome back to the community :)
  18. Fryes

    Refund for Fryes

    Your in-game name: Gustavo Smith Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:81693340 What do you need refunded: 2 done coke and 2 done marijuana Why do you want your item(s) refunded: We was getting raided by the police force and in the middle of the raid everything got invisible and my game chrashed. Same...
  19. Fryes

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday
  20. Fryes

    Idea's for a game (CSGO Key Reward)

  21. Fryes

    CSGO Update, your opinion.

    There is a glitch that makes you able to see through smokes that you throw by yourself with this new update.
  22. Fryes

    La Cosa Nostra - Applications

    (OOC Questions) -Steam Name: Fryes -Age (OOC): 13 -Are YOU Active?: yes -Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:81693340 -Total playtime: over 1 month -Are you a VIP: (IC Questions) -Ingame name: Gustavo Smith -List of all cars you own: Transit. Saving for a good car. Can get a bmw if needed -When are...
  23. Fryes

    Refund for 18400

    Your in-game name: Gustavo Smith Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:81693340 Why do you want your item(s) refunded: I was test driving a BMW M5 E60 and when i got out on the highway a red car was speeding on the wrong side of the road and crashed into me so i died. Evidence: @LordTyla Tick: Idk
  24. Fryes

    Crafting + Application

    In Character Information: IC Name: Gustavo Smith Favorite weapon: Sako and AK Current Vehicle(s): Transit, Saving for a nice car but i can buy a bmw or something if needed Crafting Level (Not required to be high): 63 Previous Organizations: Growing Power( Was a mistake i made. ) The...
  25. Fryes

    Congrats on admin mate

    Congrats on admin mate
  26. Fryes


    I just wanted to tell you guys that i wont be on the server for the comming 2 weeks. Thats because i am going to Florida. See you all when i get back
  27. Fryes

    Congratulations on enforcer!

    Congratulations on enforcer!
  28. Fryes

    Refund on 8k

    Close this
  29. Fryes


    Sad to see you go Philip
  30. Fryes

    The Growing Power Applications [Closed]

    Steam Name/SteamID: Fryes / IC Name: Gustavo Smith IC Age: 28 Tell us about your IC persona?: I can handle weapons really well and i can promise that i will help anyone that is in danger as fast as i can. I do whatever it takes to protect my family. Firearm level: 56, trying to level it up...