Search results

  1. Fryes

    Paralake Private Transport.

    IC Name: Gustavo Smith Age:27 Number:901 6743 Car: A Transit OOC Steam Name:Fryes Age: 13
  2. Fryes

    [SOLVED] Can´t hear ingame voice´s and no-one can hear me.

    This thread can now be close. Problem is solved and thank you @Philip for the help
  3. Fryes

    [SOLVED] Can´t hear ingame voice´s and no-one can hear me.

    I can´t hear if someone is talking and it does not show up the icon that shows when you are talking. I tried to reinstall the game and i did verify the game cache. I really need help because i want to play on the server
  4. Fryes

    a new leaf

    Hi there Zac. Welcome to the community
  5. Fryes

    Selling/Buying Premium

    Buying Premium Your Steam Name: Fryes Your Steam ID: Your Roleplay Name: Gustavo Smith Buying Price (In-game money): 60-70k Length of premium (30 days, 90 days or 180 days): 30 days Still Buying: (Please update when you are no longer buying): Still buying Additional Information: Add me on steam...
  6. Fryes

    The Luxion Family Applications

    IC Information First name: Gustavo Last name: Smith Age: 32 Cars you own: Mini cooper and a Transit. I am saving for a better car as i am selling so much rifle ammo. Backstory: Me and my friends came from Paralake v1 but after a while we did not have that kind of much money. So we desided to rob...
  7. Fryes

    Selling/Buying Premium

    Buying Premium Your Steam Name: Fryes Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:81693340 Your Roleplay Name: Gustavo Smith Buying Price (In-game money): 65k- 75k. We can talk about the price Length of premium (30 days, 90 days or 180 days): 30 days Still Buying: (Please update when you are no longer buying)...
  8. Fryes

    The Davidson Family Application

    The Davidson Family Application In-Character Name: Gustavo Smith Character’s Background: I lived in Evocity before but me and the crew needed to move to another city necause there was to much going on there. When we came to Paralake we thougt it would of been a good City and we started to live...
  9. Fryes

    Happy birthday

    Happy birthday
  10. Fryes

    CSGO Case Opening Fails

    This is me when i was opening my case. After this i told my self that i am not going to open more cases
  11. Fryes

    La Cosa Nostra - Applications

    -Steam Name: Fryes -Age (OOC): 13 (i dont have the deepest voice) -Are YOU Active?: I am on the server like 7-12 hours almost every day -Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:81693340 -Total playtime: I do got 2 weeks but almost 3 -Are you a VIP: Yes (IC Questions) -Ingame name: Gustavo Smith -List of all...
  12. Fryes

    Armenian Mafia applications

    OOC Information Steam name: Fryes Age: 13 Country: Sweden Are you active enough?: I think so Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:81693340 IC Information In-Game name: Gustavo Smith Age: 35 Any cars you have: A mini and a GMC vangura. I am saving for a better car. Are you VIP?: Need to buy it again. What would...
  13. Fryes

    Ban Request on Karl Anderson & Aaron Freeman

  14. Fryes

    Share your shitty/good drawings/photoshops/photos

    This was my homework. IT was going to be a elephant from the religion Hinduism. But I did fail. Hope my teacher doesn't get mad at me
  15. Fryes

    Mr Nice's/ Victor Zaiger's Resignation post/ goodbye

    Bye Mr.Nice, you was almost the only guy that did accept me to be with you guys. Hope you have a good time.
  16. Fryes

    200 Weed Refund request.

    Same happend to me with my m24 Sniper Rifle