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  1. Robin Ljungberg

    What to do

    It's so cringe honestly, no respect for the elder who's actually dying from this.
  2. Robin Ljungberg

    What to do

    + Cringe to ask a troll forums, get real life help instead.
  3. Robin Ljungberg

    What to do

    People do the same here. Friend or family or not, I told my girlfriend's sister to fuck off cuz she went out to party, etc. Atleast it ain't sweden, here we take a ski vacation where there's 500-1000 people partying while this is going down so yeah. Hope this country dies out so the world sees...
  4. Robin Ljungberg

    nade ban dispute

    You mean where Fredy permbanned me for hacking after I posted a raid? XD
  5. Robin Ljungberg

    nade ban dispute

    Is that silver?
  6. Robin Ljungberg

    PerpHeads Fire in the booth

    La Cosa Nostra, okay okay. He didnt change it xd
  7. Robin Ljungberg

    Get Feedback From New Players

  8. Robin Ljungberg

    youre fat af

    youre fat af
  9. Robin Ljungberg

    Why aren't you playing (pt 2)

    @Tom pretty retarded tho imo, its a SEMI-serious RP if that ever. PD ruined everything honestly lol.
  10. Robin Ljungberg

    Why aren't you playing (pt 2)

    Read my reply to the post
  11. Robin Ljungberg


  12. Robin Ljungberg

    Why aren't you playing (pt 2)

    I’m not saying make it v2 vanilla with only old weapons, I’m just saying it needs to be changed for the more simpler option, because right now, someone that joins can’t play the game
  13. Robin Ljungberg

    Why aren't you playing (pt 2)

    Updated, can go more into it when I get home.
  14. Robin Ljungberg

    Why aren't you playing (pt 2)

    I’ll update this when I get home
  15. Robin Ljungberg

    Why aren't you playing (pt 2)

    <3 Honestly, the game was at it’s prime when it was so simple, and I’m sure people like @Standish @Madda @LEWIS 088 @ChewKokLong420 @Loejseren whos been here ever since I can remember, knows how it really was back then and can agree with me. You used the AK/M4/Sniper and nades, no marksmanship...
  16. Robin Ljungberg

    Pm me brother

    Pm me brother
  17. Robin Ljungberg

    How u doing mein bruder

    How u doing mein bruder
  18. Robin Ljungberg

    Liebe dich bruder <3

    Liebe dich bruder <3
  19. Robin Ljungberg

    Aren’t you like 16 little bro? @Ethan <3

    Aren’t you like 16 little bro? @Ethan <3
  20. Robin Ljungberg

    Bra <3

    Bra <3
  21. Robin Ljungberg

    sug av mig?

    sug av mig?
  22. Robin Ljungberg

    Map Rotation

    V1 > Evo, im counting on my boys to get that shit through
  23. Robin Ljungberg

    your comment was stupid so I rated it dumb?

    your comment was stupid so I rated it dumb?
  24. Robin Ljungberg


  25. Robin Ljungberg


  26. Robin Ljungberg


  27. Robin Ljungberg

    billy going places

    billy going places
  28. Robin Ljungberg

    oh sheet

    oh sheet
  29. Robin Ljungberg

    Hey friends, I’m new here!

    Already did, my steroid dick is too small