Search results

  1. unscsnip3r

    Police Suggestion dispatch- Make minimum slots of dispatch 2 instead of 1

    Suggestion Title: dispatch- Make minimum slots of dispatch 2 instead of 1 Suggestion Description: currently, dispatch can be set to a max of 1 dispatcher. which can cause some issue for the admin side, especially for probationary and the new semi annual reviews, where dispatchers will be...
  2. unscsnip3r

    aloo and roos are gone forever

    Been an absolute pleasure lads, take car of yourselfs!
  3. unscsnip3r

    gimme that gun back

    Seee when I've rode with him on pd, I just use him as a meat shield. Works 100% of the time and I dont need to waste a round
  4. unscsnip3r

    Bug Report (Wanted for questioning option no longer showing for senior officer in police f3)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: Wanted for questioning option no longer showing for senior officer in police f3 How to reproduce the Bug: Attempt to set wanted for questioning as senior officer on someone's profile Time Stamp: 12pm UK Errors: n/a
  5. unscsnip3r

    Police Suggestion Remove search timer for sgt+

    Honestly, I feel 10 secs on all ranks is too much. 5 would be better
  6. unscsnip3r

    Update Log 12/04/2024 - New Clothes and Models

    I want a pd variant of the cowboy hat for sheriff rp
  7. unscsnip3r

    What do you prefer? PLPD Light Mode or Dark Mode?

    If I wanted to be flashbanged, I'd take on tfu in a raid. Dark mode all the things
  8. unscsnip3r


    Honestly, best I could do with no armour and a p99 was shoot and pray... Did mire damage than the tfu though
  9. unscsnip3r


    Yeah, flash was cut there. Torben threw for 3 of us to rush, failed badly
  10. unscsnip3r


    Aim was on point there, GG
  11. unscsnip3r

    Server Suggestion Dispatcher Office lockpick

    Not 100% sure how I feel about this personally, as in current form dispatch is a non combatant role in gov, and their positioning and lack of firearms would make for way too easy a hostage situation that would solely be there to cripple pd comms for longer than reasonably needed. Additionally...
  12. unscsnip3r

    TFU AS50'S

    I respectfully retract this
  13. unscsnip3r

    TFU AS50'S

    Ignore this one
  14. unscsnip3r

    Model Suggestion Chainsaw melee weapon.

    chainsaw montages. that is all
  15. unscsnip3r

    TFU AS50'S

    Much higher calibre of ammo fire compared to the m24, a shot will almost always fatally wound someone straight to death, and destroy fully any car not named the TFO Brute in just a few shots (1 will disable the engine always, plus harm occupants)/ Bullets can easily over penetrate cover and/or...
  16. unscsnip3r

    TFU AS50'S

    Technically, yes Dispatch could authorise the use, however Hostage situation I'd argue against due to the civi hostage being at risk.
  17. unscsnip3r

    TFU AS50'S

    feel like these could be solutions: 1. Deployment may only be authorised by SGT+ when the following conditions are met- 2.10 must be observed, A large scale incident where there are multiple shooters over a large area, causing a threat to life to anyone present. A confirmed shooter incident...
  18. unscsnip3r

    TFU AS50'S

    personally, feel the as50 is def too much, even with the nerf. 9/10 this gun will black screen someone before a medic can even revive, which isnt exactly what cops want most of the time. perhaps the m82 would be better, I wanted less As50s going off in raids, not more.
  19. unscsnip3r

    Rule Suggestion (2.5 Excessive Negativity)

    Can confirm- and or ram with car if you attempt to flee ☠️ (still the funniest patrol I've done)
  20. unscsnip3r

    Car Help

    Honestly, mostly because tesla drivers are terrible at driving ngl Its a good 40% of my section 12 tickets are bloody teslas,
  21. unscsnip3r

    Update Log 18/03/2024 - PLPD 2

    For now, send a message to your command team!
  22. unscsnip3r

    Server Suggestion Spawn Locations depending on a shootout

    This ^ Had a incident the other day where cos died to a slums &city hall incident, and officers were litterally spawn trapped and forced to be involved in an incident they had died recently in. Officers would spawn back at city hall, where there were active shooters causing a fucking mess of a...
  23. unscsnip3r

    Odd food combinations you love

    I mean, any oily fish on toast is lush
  24. unscsnip3r

    Odd food combinations you love

    Biscoff spread on crumpets. Trust me.
  25. unscsnip3r

    Lets talk coffee....

    That farmers oat shit they got in the states is actually kinda lit ngl
  26. unscsnip3r

    Pokemon showdown

    Nice to see a few lovers of competitive pokemon here!
  27. unscsnip3r

    3.22 Intersection red light.

    Personally, feel 3.22 should be a in character situation for plpd to do so, instead of a mod handing 20+ warnings in an hour for it. (not to dis but dear god erwin is a man of dedication) Perhaps it could be reworked into the lines of "players must take reasonable precautions when approaching...
  28. unscsnip3r

    Fastest Way to level up firearms?

    Most profitable: Follow @Spoon and craft ammo Best path- whichever item is at your highest level available- you'll get some spare pistols to play with or sell this way too.
  29. unscsnip3r

    highly interesting poll about water consumption

    Careful, NA folk won't be able to taste our goated Blackcurrant drink ☠️
  30. unscsnip3r

    highly interesting poll about water consumption

    Water seriously varies so much in the UK- where I live its perfect by all standards, "soft" and basically no limescale. Travel 1hr east however and dear god thats vile