Search results

  1. unscsnip3r

    Server Suggestion Add a extra courier slot

    Especially how courier is a fraction of its delivery speed due to the starter van being half the slots. Def needed.
  2. unscsnip3r

    Server Suggestion Buff XP Gain For Firefighters and Paramedics

    Currently its against the rules for plfd to patrol in a engine? Ram/land rover can, but cant use hoses with them, and hydrants suck majorly.
  3. unscsnip3r

    Server Suggestion Buff XP Gain For Firefighters and Paramedics

    To add, usually the auto callout is when the bonus is already mostly depleted in most cases
  4. unscsnip3r

    Server Suggestion Buff XP Gain For Firefighters and Paramedics

    100% this- the amount of times me and other more senior ffs just chill and finish whatever we are doing first is like 9/10 lol.
  5. unscsnip3r

    Community Suggestion Remove ASDA org from leaderboards

    I'm in two minds of this A. Yes several notable members have admitted and shown the cheat they used (in itself is a yikes to how) B. However the main point earners were not part of this cheating, and are highly skilled players. My proposal would be to remove the exp/score earnt by any of the...
  6. unscsnip3r

    Cruelty Squad

    Watched a good chunk of this video, man what a game
  7. unscsnip3r

    Perpheads 10 Year Anniversary

    Absolutely nutty that the server is now 10 years old. While I might not been here for long as some, But I've loved every minute. Happy 10 years perp!
  8. unscsnip3r

    Server Suggestion Increase Reward for joining Forums

    Think Juan has the right idea- 15-20k is plenty to get some basic kit to live in the city for a while... I would of killed for 20k starting over a pistol.
  9. unscsnip3r

    Server Suggestion Show the unit name above the player name

    This would be an amazing addition!
  10. unscsnip3r

    Favourite Live Performances

    The lack of muse in this thread is supprising.
  11. unscsnip3r

    Waypo - The Return of Online Retail for Paralake

    This looks absolutely insane! Well done to all involved!
  12. unscsnip3r

    Official Airfryer Recipe Thread

    Jacket spuds or even potato hash. Trust me. Crispiest spuds you will ever have
  13. unscsnip3r

    Model Suggestion Revolver reloading

    Honestly, this bar the recently fixed Gov revolvers is an annoying mechanic. Why do I need to unload the entire barrel of my revolver shen I can easily work out the ones shot lol
  14. unscsnip3r

    Organisation Consultation - Register your interest

    Perhaps a discord stage channel can be used for a larger one? As then staff can manually move people to speaker slots where needed
  15. unscsnip3r

    Community Spotlight - May 2023

    Ngl the shop game is really stepping up recently, well done everyone!
  16. unscsnip3r

    Update Log 30/05/2023

    Our thank god gov revolvers fixed. That has gottent me killed more times than I like to admit