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  1. Silent


    mraaron is back now
  2. Silent

    First video

    did you kill anyone ??/?
  3. Silent


  4. Silent

    Bazaar Security

    you guys got no life go get a job wankers
  5. Silent

    Car crash rp with Testa and others

    i bet your mom takes you to the doctor twice a day checking why you do those noises passive rp is for people who cant live their own life outside the computer
  6. Silent

    CSGO Giveaway

    that's nice of you
  7. Silent

    first one to say happy birthday cococococo

    first one to say happy birthday cococococo
  8. Silent

    How to raid office #v4

    TFU is dope i yelled alot i think
  9. Silent


  10. Silent

    Shittage #6

    not the best one but enjoy
  11. Silent

    Lmfao what the fuck is this shit

    Lmfao what the fuck is this shit
  12. Silent


  13. Silent

    Fucking idiot cyka blyat

    Fucking idiot cyka blyat
  14. Silent

    Williams Street

    pay me 200k for protection
  15. Silent

    happy birthday

    happy birthday
  16. Silent

    Perpheads airsoft meet up?

    why airsoft bruv come to israel to shot terrorists with me
  17. Silent

    The Quiet Neighbour

    atleast i can stand alone behind 1 barricade
  18. Silent

    The Quiet Neighbour

    im shaking
  19. Silent

    stop the memes

    stop the memes
  20. Silent

    Shittage #5

  21. Silent

    AR on Silent.

    i was standing far from the door so it wont glitch into it, i dont really know how it worked with the glitching and stuff because i dont use bombs alot, im pretty sure i used a bomb twice my intire time here so.. I know what's wrong with that lol why would i waste my time explaining that in ooc...
  22. Silent

    1 week challenge accepted

    1 week challenge accepted
  23. Silent

    i always believe in you !

    i always believe in you !
  24. Silent

    congrats !

    congrats !
  25. Silent

    congrats !

    congrats !
  26. Silent

    Is he actually

    Is he actually
  27. Silent

    how old are you tell me now

    how old are you tell me now
  28. Silent

    [SOLVED] shadowplay fucked for me

    fixed just updated nvidia
  29. Silent

    [SOLVED] shadowplay fucked for me

    When i save last 5 minutes like i usually do, after a while doing it i found most of my shit called lockapphost and when i open it its just black screen and i hear only the sound. any fix?