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  1. Silent

    shittage #2

    Some more raiding clips and some csgo stuff Enjoy !
  2. Silent

    Rule 5.1: Mugging, rules to avoid cock-ups.

    stop trying to make everything so easy in perp, cant mug at dd cant mug now for phone and burgers and shit that is cheap? what's the point then just ask for 1million when you first come and play.
  3. Silent

    Sum PlayerUnknownBattleGrounds

    Nice video
  4. Silent

    New videos bois, (not meta this time)

    Dayz sucks
  5. Silent

    Thou huge play

    stolen by fucking allen
  6. Silent

    Thou huge play

    2 guys fighting for no reason 1 salty 1 black
  7. Silent

    Thou huge play

    cant sing
  8. Silent

    Thou huge play

    he's a newbie
  9. Silent

    RR - @ShadowJoey

    You guys saw us from the window you knew cops were there therefor you guys yelled cops raiding and stuff and started shooting.
  10. Silent

    hi guys

    you're weird
  11. Silent

    Nissan GT-R Disaster!

    Nice !
  12. Silent

    Thoughts about the future?

    good porn pays
  13. Silent


    you reached the dumb ratings limit, stop posting.
  14. Silent

    Any good games for 25 Euro on steam?

    PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS 100 times better then H1Z1, game just came out and its fucking good
  15. Silent

    Going away for a month.

    kos cops
  16. Silent

    M82 is fair and a balanced gun!

    Fcking knob camper I beat you ez boy
  17. Silent

    that's the way to go Moderator puma !

    that's the way to go Moderator puma !
  18. Silent

    Some raiding clips #2

  19. Silent

    happy birthday

    happy birthday
  20. Silent


    i'll join im mg1
  21. Silent

    Mine and some other people sounds are fucked

    i had the same shit just everyone were squeeky its weird as fuck
  22. Silent

    Waking up with a fat nerd that has to much time and money

    wash your hands you dirty fuck
  23. Silent

    m4a1 refund

    Your in-game name: Linda Watson Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:69207819 What do you need refunded: m4a1 with stock magazine and that rifle comp thingy Why do you want your item(s) refunded: swat thought that his swat van is a tank and just run into cars and got one of the cars to kill me Evidence...
  24. Silent

    I am back .-.

    why you guys dream about perp wtf