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  1. Scottie012

    Resignation and official good-bye

    Glad to see schoolwork > online gaming coming into play, good luck with getting accepted into 6th form, I just got accepted! ;'3. I', sure you will experience no issues with entering 6th form but adios!
  2. Scottie012

    The Tiller Family

    Gud luk whit new org, hope it gows wel...
  3. Scottie012

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY PEASANT (P.s. I am too poor to get you a birthday present, not like you got me...

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY PEASANT (P.s. I am too poor to get you a birthday present, not like you got me one anyway </3)
  4. Scottie012

    Sorry Standish

    Unfortunately due to lack of storage space on members' computers standish have had to stop recording and uploading every time they killed you, nor did they see it as an uncommon event enough to want to post it around as a feat.. xX (My point is a video attempting to boast about your '10v3'...
  5. Scottie012

    Remote car bombs

    I like the idea but I am forever going to be paranoid whilst driving of people feeling car bomb happy...
  6. Scottie012

    The Coast Familia

    It is a shame that I did not continue the Bourne family, otherwise our alliance would be thriving right now. Good luck never the less!
  7. Scottie012

    Only got 1 hour and 25 mins left to die !;3

    Only got 1 hour and 25 mins left to die !;3
  8. Scottie012

    Ohh of course, I will do my best not to.. xD

    Ohh of course, I will do my best not to.. xD
  9. Scottie012


  10. Scottie012

    Again, cheers all ;3 <3

    Again, cheers all ;3 <3
  11. Scottie012

    Cheers all <3

    Cheers all <3
  12. Scottie012

    -=IronSide Crafting Co.=- Reboot

    Wouldn't it be a good idea to reboot it when you aren't banned? xD
  13. Scottie012

    More colour customization for cars.

    Like the idea of the steesomewhat unrealistic in some cars I suspect, maybe just have several different designs for the interior that all look realistic. Nice idea though ;)
  14. Scottie012

    AR on D3Lux

    I believe I also had some issues with either this man or another cop today for multiple reasons, If equired I can check my demos and see who it was to possibly add to this. I was detained for a prolonged time(got let out by tyla) and was pretty much forced out of my vehicle after reaching an...
  15. Scottie012

    Make the phys-gun stronger.

    Decre Decrease scroll speed then? Haha. I see this being annoying but it doesn't bother me that much, unless you have a needlessly large scroll speed or are too far away from the prop (or standing right next to it ) this shouldn't be an issue, I see no need to stand directly next to the prop or...
  16. Scottie012

    Bye forever

    ;(;(;(;(;(;(;(;(;(;( Naww
  17. Scottie012

    -=IronSide Crafting Co.=-

    Glad to be allied with you lot, loving the layout of the thread. Keep it up.. -- On behalf of Deathrow
  18. Scottie012


    Let us arrange a meet and talk things over, I see no reason not to hold an alliance with the Russian Mafia. Call 745-8817 in around 1 and a half hours and we can arrange a meet.
  19. Scottie012


    Deathrow is a relentless organisation founded and lead by Top Dogs (Oliver Cheng and Scott Bord) working a long side those of society that have been assigned to Death's Row , providing security out of unity of those that we have recruited Roster --------------------------------------------...
  20. Scottie012


    Because we doodled it in the back of a year 8 science book. In reality we will probably re-create this thread as it's currently been created by a member out of no request which is cool but an owner needs to maintain it. Just waiting..
  21. Scottie012


    More than that, I don't like mugging newbies and don't (or atleast I don't think I do?), mugging sweatervests is a different story, when you see a sweater driving a 390k car alone... Even so if I mug sweaters and I see they are newbies I give them back their items and $500 (͡°͜ʖ͡°) suchgenerous...
  22. Scottie012


    Rank names will be changing from those hideous names soon xP
  23. Scottie012

    Damn straight

    Damn straight
  24. Scottie012

    This Just Happend :/

    Any idea when it will be updated lads?