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  1. Lhealey05

    Paralake V6 Development Update

    They can’t give us a date can they when they Dk them selfs there is a lot of bug testing to do and like they said one of the devs have been away which delays it as well devs have a life to so will delay so what if it’s not here this year atleast they are showing us stuff and there trying to get...
  2. Lhealey05

    Ban Apology (@Auston / Auston)

  3. Lhealey05

    Ban Apology (Auston)

  4. Lhealey05

    Ban Apology (benjamin)

  5. Lhealey05

    Guess who's back~

    Welcome back
  6. Lhealey05

    Paralake V6 Development Update

    It’s really happening
  7. Lhealey05

    Goodbye / giveaway

    Sad to see you go good luck Lewis Ent
  8. Lhealey05

    Can't send messages in Shoubox

    Try re logging into forums and opening a new browsers as well
  9. Lhealey05

    Server Suggestion Allow us to do the Ninja emote with a katana out

    Would be good to get some new emotes
  10. Lhealey05

    It's time...

  11. Lhealey05

    Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

  12. Lhealey05

    Big Bananatage (Perptage 8)

    58 seconds and I see my self about 5 times and 1 time is at 58 second where I make Jacob scream lmao
  13. Lhealey05

    Police Suggestion Allow Traffic certified TFOs to carry a wheel clamp.

    This would help a lot so I don’t have to go back to pd and change gear all the time
  14. Lhealey05


    GG w montage will this be in the community spotlight
  15. Lhealey05

    Ban Apology (Collier)

    You have an apology open already and you was just denied yesterday spamming ban apology and opening more when your other one hasn’t been looked into will just decrease your chance of being unbanned
  16. Lhealey05

    Server Suggestion Make LOOC available when dead

    I disagree with this I feel like this would get abused to much like for example someone dies in a raid they then type in looc the person that killed me is on the left behind the barricade just feel like this would be abused way to easy
  17. Lhealey05

    happy birthday

    happy birthday
  18. Lhealey05

    Police Suggestion Make it so supervisors can pick up anyone’s spikes

    That’s what I’m saying maybe SO and above or just any officer in general can pick up spikes no matter if there yours or not
  19. Lhealey05

    Action Request (

    Your Steam Name: Lhealey05 Your Roleplay Name: Lewis Ent Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:711786944 Player's Steam Name: Player's Roleplay Name: Billy Weston Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:576329912 Why should this player be punished?: caused a car chase over a...
  20. Lhealey05

    Police Suggestion Detectives

    Fair enough the.
  21. Lhealey05

    Police Suggestion Detectives

    What if no medics are on because there ain’t sometimes
  22. Lhealey05

    Police Suggestion Detectives

    I do like the idea and would to see this added maybe in v6 but what if no detectives are on and we need dna on a body or something
  23. Lhealey05


    we’re always watching
  24. Lhealey05

    a break for now.

    See you later
  25. Lhealey05


    What’s with the pictures
  26. Lhealey05

    I’m confused

    I’m confused
  27. Lhealey05

    Schneider Ficklestein

    Glazing at its finest to get the blacklist removed
  28. Lhealey05

    Why did I get banned for a week for not knowing one rule?

    If you feel like the punishment is to long you will need to make a staff complaint as you can’t dispute the length also you can see the rules on the forums by pressing the 3 lines at the top left and pressing rules then server rules You will have to dispute the ban or make an apology An...
  29. Lhealey05

    Police Suggestion Make it so supervisors can pick up anyone’s spikes

    Suggestion Title: Make it so supervisors can pick up anyone’s spikes Suggestion Description: So I’ve had this alot when officers just leave spikes after spiking a car and then other cars go over it and then get there tires popped and then we have to pay them out because an officer left there...
  30. Lhealey05


    W spotlight as normal